Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Colton's First Day of Real Food

I finally broke down and fed Colton rice cereal about a week before he was six months old. He was SO ready for it. I guess the liquid diet just wasn't doing it for him anymore. I always have a hard time letting him move onto the next stage because he is growing up too fast! Our kid is a bottomless pit. 10 ounces of formula and 2 jars of baby food is standard!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Oh y'know, just looking at old old pics of Colton - it's hard to believe this used to be him,he's so big and grown up and looks so different. Makes me wonder how Gav's look will change - he's already a month old on Sunday? Crazy huh? Anyways - yea for y'all coming next weekend, I can't wait. Cute cute cute colt & cade and old memories on your blog - love them! I need a new post.