Monday, September 25, 2006

Colton's Latest Hobby

Evan caught Colton in action ... spitting (or blowing rasperries as some call it) has become his favorite past time. Notice his sweet smile seconds before he decides to stick out his tongue in preparation. If only I could figure out a way to show him that it's really not as great as it seems. He's always deciding to have an "attack" at the most appropriate times (sarcasm here.) Last week it was in Wal-mart about every 2 minutes and I could tell that the clerk and the people standing directly behind the shopping cart were starting to shield themselves. And I'm trying not to be a neglient mom - I'm covering his mouth with my hand, telling him 'no' in my sternest voice (which usually elicits a smile as opposed to any sort of remorse) and as soon as I uncover his mouth so I can unload the basket, he unleashes. Ahhh ... the joy of motherhood. I hoping it's just a phase ... right??


Cristy said...

Ah ha ha ha ha! That is so funny! Yea, it is probably just a phase. Unfortunately, one phase is usually replaced by another phase that will be equally if not more embarassing. Just wait till he copies everything you say, and suddenly springs the most unwanted words and sentences at the most inappropiate times. These are usually words he's picked up from his father..... ENJOY!

PS -> Colton is so darn cute!

Christine said...

Rebecca!!! HI! It has been forever since I've talked to you!! Amy told me about your blog! Colton is so cute! I can't believe you have a baby!