Friday, December 05, 2008

Long Trip

Remember when I used to blog? I got back last night from 2 wonderful weeks spent in the motherland, aka Texas. It was wonderful to come back to Denver, back to 10° weather. Glad to be home. We drove down to San Antone to spend some time with my family. On the way home, I decided to swing through Dallas and visit two of my friends from the college years. Thanks so much for letting me come Haley and Rach! On Wednesday Rach and I took our kids to the Dallas Aquarium, otherwise known as the "jungle," as Colt put it. One might say he's been watching a little too much Jungle Book. Gotta love trying to get a picture with 2 toddlers. This is the best I got. And this is Cade thinking he's having just as much fun inside the stroller as he would outside, actually seeing the animals. Oh the innocence of youth.
Sidenote: after our wild adventure in the jungle, Colt decided to come down with the flu (luckily, no throwing up on our flight home, Hooray!). As I was cleaning Colt up from one of his "episodes" in the bathtub, I came out to clean up the sheets, etc. that Colt had managed to get his remnants of dinner all over (sorry for the graphic language). There was nothing for me to clean up. Rach had cleaned up someone else's child's throw up. I couldn't believe it - bless her heart. Seriously. If that's not a friend, I don't know what is.
Without further ado, here are our Halloween pictures. I know, I know, in December. What can I say, I'm one lame blogger. I also give into peer pressure. More specifically, spousal pressure. After all of my whining and complaining, I gave in. I dressed up. I was cranky and pouty while I did it, but I did it anyway. Evan came home from work, laid out what I needed and in no time we were ganstas. Pretty authentic, huh? I guess that's what happens when you marry someone from da hood.


Missy said...

I absolutely love the costumes...especially the "ganstas". You are definitely better about dressing up than we are :)
I am glad you had a wonderful trip visiting family and friends and am glad that you are home again. We've missed you at our play dates!!
Sorry to hear Colt got the flu!! I really think it has been an epidemic because EVERYONE I know had someone in their family come down with it. Poor kiddo!
Hope the rest of the family is healthy and we hope to see you soon :)

Berly said...

I am glad you gave in for the costumes. The things we do for our husbands. You put on a cheery face for the cameras - good for you. I love the Dallas Aquarium. I went there alot when we lived there. I miss Texas sometimes - but, love the snow here in Colorado.

Lindsey said...

So Batman's mom is a gangsta?!

chanel said...

these are GREAT pictures!!!!
yay for being back in the frigid land of the brave! we missed you!

it sounds like you have some amazing friendS!!!! would i clean up colton's puke??? yes. yes I would. And i am saying that cause i don't have to. :)

Genevre said...

Very cute photos, good job dressing takes guts!

Katie said...

First, I miss you when you don't blog.

Second, I just miss you.

I'm going to stop numbering now. :)
It's been like 50 degrees in Salt Lake everyday. We haven't had any snow that's lasted longer than a day. It's okay to hate me a little.

I'm so happy you got to go back the the motherland and soak up Texas.

Ashley said...

I just don't even know what to say. I love your pictures!! And Cade looks SO different than the last time I saw grown up and his face has totally changed! And Colton...he's edible!!

And i love the gangsta look. And the pic of COlt & Cade on the couch is my favorite (besides the family one) ... those 2 are going to be such friends growing up! It makes me want 2 boys first too!!!
I can't say I love your updates enough.
And points on the new christmas background! My techno savvy (saavy?) sis.
Love ya.

Rach said...

It was so fun having you visit...too bad you couldn't stay another week. :-D And you're giving me too much credit with the puke- it wasn't super nasty. And all I had to do was rinse it off.
I love the costumes. Nice work on dressing up!

Melanie said...

Three words: Ice Ice Baby.

Kelley Flint said...

How fun. So glad that you got a nice long vacation with the family and with Rach and Hayley. And you're one hot gangsta.

Julia said...

Welcome back to blogging. We've missed you. Great pictures..gosh that one of Cdae smiling in his stroller is darling.

Cristy said...

Yay! You really are alive! I am SO GLAD to hear that you were on a trip home to Texas! Me = so jealous. I need a vacation. Really.


Cade is growing so fast and is so stinkin cute. Colton is also looking so much like a kid! Those babies grow so fast.

Way to dress up for the hubby. If I let Jim ever pick out dress-ups for me, well, let's just say Mexican Food not appropriate for blog comments...

Hey, we are going to be gone from the 20th-28th. Is that when you'll be here? I would love to get together with you if we overlap. If not, I might just have to come to Denver sometime soon...

Maria said...

Yahoo for a new post! Glad you had fun in Texas...and Rach is amazing!! Glad you guys got to see eachother. I love your costumes too!

Jewelle said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! :o) I laughed at the costumes. Gangsta's...only a Jones would want to dress up like that!

The Piersons said...

Bless your heart for putting up those Halloween pictures, if for nothing else it was for me. I LOVE them.

I am so happy you could come and visit, it was so fun and I'm so glad you had a great time with Rach. What a bummer that poor Colt got sick...that is just the worst when kids are throwing up.

So I have found 2 bottles, one sippy cup, and a chew toy of Colt's. Um....maybe I should send those to you. :)

OTR said...

Dude - love the costumes!! Although I would hardly call TO the hood I think deep down Evan must really be a gansta, what w/ his breakdance moves an all...then again do gangstas breakdance? I think all they acutally do is move their hand up and down and grab their pants to keep them from falling. So maybe they don't go together. Never mind. And hey, what's up w/ going to Dallas? Have you forgotten your long lost friend in Houston?!! Sure, I dont' have kids and a hubby to play w/ Evan, but I'm sure I can figure out something to offer...

Robyn & Aaron said...

Your little men have gotten so big! I can't believe it. So...seriouisly we need to get together after the holidays. P.S. Aaron digs the chains!

Valerie and Adam said...

Wow, a gang sign and everything. I never really believed he was that ghetto, but now...

Just kidding. You and your boys look great in their costumes.

Natalie N said...

Ha Ha! Love the gangsta family picture. What a riot!