Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ready for Summer

Not because we're having a psycho snowy one but because I'm dadgum tired of nasty winter germs. I was just down and out for TEN whole days with the stomach flu! True, I wanted to lose the rest of my baby weight from Cade but preferably not in that fashion. I had nary a calorie stick to me for more than a week. And for someone whose hobby is food, it was a tragedy. Count on me to ruin all that hard work. A Texas sheet cake was made today and I'm making up for those lost days.

So, in a nutshell, there are no pictures to document our Valentine's Day. Because really, who wants to see a picture of me by the toilet? Poor Evan. I had promised him an evening of romance - aka Take Out and me in my pajamas curled up on the couch - and instead I curled up on my bathroom floor. By Day 8, Evan was at the drugstore purchasing a pregnancy test. Because I thought I was either dying or pregnant - let's be honest ladies, doesn't the first trimester of pregnancy sometimes feel like you're dying? Now my mom and sis are in town and I plan on getting some pictures of us doing something fun because if there's one thing for sure, it's that my 3 year old deserves some fun.

Oh and I'm not pregnant. Promise.


Nolo and Lauren said...

glad to hear your feeling better... seems like everyone has been sick this winter. i know i'm ready for spring/summer as well. hears hoping

Kelley Flint said...

That is awful. So glad that you're feeling better. Go have fun and take lots of pictures.

Valerie and Adam said...

I'm so sorry about the stomach bug. No fun at all. I can only imagine how it must have been for 10 days! I'm glad you get to have some fun now.

OTR said...

yikes! but i have to say i love the Aldine Turkey Trot shirt you're wearing on Colt's birthday. :)

Cristy said...

HAHAHA... I'm only laughing because I am currently pulling out of the flu myself... and totally was thinking for like 5 minutes that maybe I was pregnant, because that is the only thing close to horror of the flu! This is some major good birth control let me tell ya! But 10 DAYS! Bless your heart! At the same time, I wouldn't mind dropping that last 8 lbs of my baby weight... Have tons of fun with your ladies!

chanel said...

all i can say is ..... dadgum??????????????????

you and TN are a perfect match.

Genevre said...

Oh that sounds horrible, I have never heard of a 10 day flu...so sorry..you deserve an entire cake after that week!

Maria said...

I am SO sorry you were sick. That is not fun! For ten days??? You better eat a couple of those cakes!! I hope you are all better, go have some fun!

The Piersons said...

I'm so sorry you were so sick, but so happy to hear that Pam and Ashley are there, how fun!! I'm sure that'll put some calories back on you.

Um... I'm ready to hear about how excited you are for your cruise, that's summer.

Ashley said...

So remember when we used to talk? I'm dying to know what you thought of Bachelor and to hear what the man sad on Saturday night and y'know, get your thoughts on India or something. P.S. I finally updated...I'm now good until June right?

Ashley said...

p.s. I love that it's the "flu". hahaha.

Julia said...

Woah..10 days??! Ohmigosh I'm glad you're feeling better..that is terrible! Hope you had a great time with your mom and sister in town, how fun.

Jewelle said...

Yuck! sorry about the flu that is awful! I know what you mean about wanting summer to come. I am in the same boat, but I am trying to enjoy this one. I know when we get to Lake Jackson we will miss the snow. You will have to give us all the info about Houston some time.

Natalie N said...

Glad you're feeling better. You make me laugh like no one else can--even when you're miles away and I'm just reading your blog. Miss you!