Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pumpkin Time

Last Saturday we woke up to nothing but sunshine. If there's anything we've learned since living here, it's not to press our luck as far as sunshine is concerned. So we decided to hit up the awesome pumpkin patch from last year and your eyes do not deceive you. The weather ended up being so warm, we were kicking it in shorts and flip flops. For a second, I could almost convince myself I was in Texas again.
This is how Delaney spent her first pumpkin outing, nice and cozy and completely conked out in the Baby Bjorn.

Colton showing some brotherly love to a random stranger. He cracks me up.
Evan was convinced that we had to hike it out to the middle of nowhere to find the biggest pumpkin this patch could produce. Especially since they had a maximum of 12 bucks per pumpkin and if there is one thing this man loves, it's getting the absolute most for your money. A million miles later of wandering all over that patch in the hot sun, trying my best not to sprain an ankle on all those vines, I've decided I'm all for pre-picked pumpkins. I've also decided that Colt can strike a serious pose. I love these kids and these family moments. Can't wait til next year.


Ladybug said...

Delaney knows how to enjoy the sun-- napping in the sun is the best!! Your man and bargains, eh? You know this is what he would do when he shopped at Goodwill all thru high school. I can't wait 'til he takes the boys there to trick them out in some serious cheapo clothes. Love how the pumkin is bigger than Cade. And love how cute Colt is to be nice to other kids. What darling kiddos!! Thanks for sharing them w/ us!

Lindsey said...

Colton looks so big all of a sudden. I guess he's a tough one to not have any recollection of how the black eye got there. Pumpkin picking looks fun. Did Evan have to carry that pumpkin all the way to the car?

Hope to see you soon!

Lindsey said...

PS - You look gorgeous!

chanel said...


Kerri said...

one for the team -- meaning living our pumpkin patch days through you at the present moment. oh well. next year. in any case...did you know that posing apparently comes with the age? I'm just putting this together as carter's been doing the same thing, and some of his friends/classmates, and his cousin, and now colton...I'm just sayin', I think 5 makes them nutty!

Genevre said...

Delaney is so soft looking, I wish I could hold her. Chris spoke at a fireside last night, and talked a lot about Evan and what a great friend he is. To bad we don't live closer...actually we would probably see our husbands even less :)

Ashley said...

That weather looks DREAMY!!!! I can almost imagine it again. Too bad we're now having that weather and it's cold there....

Enter evil laugh ;) Well not really. Because I'm not evil.

Seriously - you rocked the memory making this year. Good thing Gavin is too young to know what he missed out on - and that his mother was crazy this Fall - and his father was MIA. hahah.

And what's up with Colton's shiner? Did you buy any of the pics?

REmember how we used to talk, and you used to call me back, and we could obsess over City of Bones/Ashes?? I've been up until 2 am the past 2 nights reading. Heart Jace. Really. What was I ever thinking hoping Clary got with Simon.

I love that I write novels on your comments - like we're having a convo - but we're not.

And I love all your frequent blogging!

Miss & love you!