Monday, June 11, 2012


Back in February, I got talked into doing a half marathon.  This from the girl who had to train for a 5k (remember that??) so based on my past experience, I don't know what kind of crazy mental state I was in to think I could add ten miles onto that.  I was told I'd get into shape (baby weight to lose? check), feel an amazing runner's high, and by paying some serious cash to run this thing I figured I'd be all sorts of motivated.  So with visions of me crossing the finish line (heck, winning the whole thing!), smiling as I waved to the adoring crowds, I started training.  By the time I was running four miles without passing out, I altered my dreams and aspirations to merely crossing the finish line, preferably not in the ambulance.  Along the way, I talked Evan into running with me so that he could tell me all sorts of encouraging, motivational words of wisdom and truth be told get me an extra gatorade if needed.

Here we are before the race starts.  I feel happy and fully confident in the fact that if I fall, Evan can just give me a piggy back ride home. 

Here's proof that I really ran the thing!  See Ocean Michigan?  The Chicago skyline?  All picturesque right???  Sure.  If I'd had Evan holding a beach umbrella over my head like I was the Queen of Sheba or something.  It was so stinking hot by this point.  I'm thinking about 90 degrees and I was absolutely dying.  Shriveling up, stick me in an ice bath stat, dying. 
After pouring probably a gallon of gatorade over my head, I made it to the finish line.  Here's the picture to prove it (see that medal?) though the proof really lies in the fact that I look like death warmed over.  And that's putting it in a nice way.  Also, for the record there is no such thing as a runner's high, at least not for this girl.


Ashley said...

Im so impressed. You even have your actual names printed on your number Id things. So official. Did you think of four and triss and Capture the flag as you ran along downtown Michigan in the distancE? :) what you failed to mention is that although you wanted to die while running, you look incredible and all that training paid off because you're that skinny mom of 3 kids I see that makes me eat another brownie :) you look amazing, and seriously should feel so proud! (cause I already know you're so glad it's over :)

Lindsey said...

Holy crap! Good for you! I have absolutely no desire to do such a thing but am totally impressed with those that day. I'm thinking my sister was in the same race and I was there to cheer her on. It was the beginning of June and VERY hot. I had her kids at the finish line and they were all about waiting in the air conditioned car. WAY TO GO!

Ladybug said...

Go you!! Can't believe you ran half marathon in Chicago heat! I kinda want to run one someday but in a chilly locale like San Fran-- but then they've got all those hills there. Maybe just I'll just watch a marathon on tv. :)

And big kuddos for making the cake for Cade. I think you get extra credit because it's not your life's ambition to be the master cake maker. My life's ambition is to be the master cake eater. Now that sounds like a good time. And score to you both for making a fun day for your little dude!

PS-- did you cut your hair? Looks super cool in your birthday pix!

Cristy said...

Dude.... ... you're amazing. I sincerely doubt I will EVER have a post on my blog like this. You're my hero. You and Evan are the cutest couple ever.

Jewelle said...

Wow, awesome job! Super impressed!

Melanie said...

Wow! I can't even imagine training for a half marathon with three kids. Where in the world did you get the time and energy?!

Genevre said...

WHAT??Who is this person who has so much power over you to convince you do run a 1/2?- Your are awesome for doing it though!! Question: When did you train? I have been tempted to run a 5k and can't find time each morning to run with Chris leaving early all the time, I figured Evan was the same, so when did you train???

Katie said...

You're amazing. That's all there is to it!

The Piersons said...

You are so awesome, I am so proud of you and Evan for doing that with you! You look amazing!

Christine said...

Awesome! Congrats!!! Now time for 26.2! :)