Monday, June 04, 2007

Breckenridge Baby!

So after a brief hiatus, I'm back to give the update on Evan and I's trip to the mountains of Colorado. Over Memorial Day, my parents flew in to watch Colt and we were off (alone!) for a full 3 days. Those who know Evan and I know that while we may have the important things in common, that's just about it. So appropriately we had an "Evan day" and a "Rebecca day." Sidenote: One of my favorite stories is how Evan would always tell his buddies that if there was one thing he wanted in his wife, it was a skiier. And then he married me. A girl from the flattest place on earth and someone who believes in wearing a helmet when doing your homework. Moving on ... so on my day, I just really wanted a day where there was NO schedule (you moms will understand this). No bedtimes, feeding times, no 'times' basically. So we sleep in (which I really don't know how to do anymore) and hit Breckenridge. Do some shopping, some eating out, a couples massage in a spa and I'm a happy camper. Evan's day: the picture is us in our wetsuits about to hit the white water rapids on a narrow, rocky Colorado river. Sure, I'm smiling but inside my heart is about to pound right on out of my wetsuit. But I love my hubby and though it's Class 4 rapids (it only goes up to a 5 people!) and the water's going crazy because of all the snow melt, I hit the river. Most importanly, I SURVIVE the river. I'm the weak link getting bounced around in the the boat every time we hit a rapid, but we walk away from the freezing river with some good stories and better memories. I love Evan for this - for making me go past my limits and being better for it. I'll still wear my helmet during all those moments though, thanks.
One last note about the weekend. We stayed in a bed and breakfast and I was so excited to try something like this. So the owner is a woman who has a 2 year old boy and 1 year old boy and is due in 4 weeks with her 3rd boy. A busy woman, you could say, so the experience was ... frazzled. I'd take a hotel any day. I thought the breakfast would be the saving grace but to no avail. Sure, they were delicious but the portion sizes were disappointing to say the least. I don't know if she'd gotten the memo, but calories absolutely do not count on vacation so I'd like more than an egg flake. Overall though, it was a great time with the hubby - some much needed time to remember that we were husband and wife before mommy and daddy.