Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Rundown

I'm back with a recap of the last couple of months. Spring is here, we're moved into our house (hallelujah for my house!), and I'm ready to get back to blogging so here goes.

- Mom and Sis (and Logan too) were in town to help with the big move. It was a huge help to have them here. I talked my mom into staying a good 10 days which, considering Evan went out of town for work, had finals, and I had the stomach flu, was priceless. Have I mentioned that I love being in a house again? I have loved the space, especially the backyard that I can send (and sometimes force) the kids into when I start reaching my crazy mom status. I'm not alone here in noting this change since Colt recently told me, "You are such a nice mommy again." Hmmm. Suffice it to say, this was a good move for everyone.

- Evan's parents and sister Jen, home from a mission to St. Louis, came into town and got right to work painting. I can always count on some sort of project getting done while they're here. Not to mention that Jen watched my kids the whole day Evan's mom and I were painting. Her help was heaven sent, since not once did I have my kids near wet paint.

- Chanel and family came to visit! Seriously felt like the good ole days in Castle Rock with her right down the street. Except that she was in my house instead! We got to talk for hours without the phone plastered to my ear. Made me miss her so much when she left but she was nice enough to leave her love of Trader Joe's with me. I'm pretty sure that their salsa has changed my life.

- Family vacation to Nauvoo - a town just four hours away from us that has a lot of meaningful and significant church historical sites. This was the first time that we took off on a trip with just our little family in tow and we loved it! Besides, you know, the whining, crying, tantrums, etc. And what's more, I took pictures and everything.

When we drove in, this sweet elderly sister missionary told us that Nauvoo was the best bargain for miles around which was music to Frugal Evan's ears. She was right too since the church has so many free things for kids/families to do. We started off with a wagon ride around Nauvoo. Cade was prepared with every blanket we had brought/he could possible carry. You can never be too prepared I guess.
Can you tell who was the hot commodity during the weekend? The boys had the best seats in the house, right behind the huge horses. I'm proud of Evan here, since he has admitted to having a slight fear of "large livestock." I'm loving that grin on Colt's face - can we say mischievous?

There is a family center in Nauvoo where you can learn how the pioneers made candles, bread, wool, etc. Here's Colt posing as he helps make rope. Or really, watches his dad help.

Our dinner Saturday night. Little did we know that everything in town closes at 7 pm. Sharp. I was what you might call grumpy when we had to make do with what the gas station had to offer. I think I need to start taking pictures of these boys more often. Getting them to look at the camera is a Herculean effort.

What would a family trip be without an excursion down to the hotel pool? Especially when you've got a dad willing to give rides around it.

Colt was not exactly happy with us when pool time was over.

All of us in front of the gorgeous Nauvoo temple. Evan and I took turns watching the kids so each of us could go. All in all, I would say the trip was a success. Evan and I both loved learning more about the early church pioneers who had lived there. Granted the kids weren't as into the tours, especially since Evan and I said, "SHHHH!" or "Don't touch!" or "I mean it!" about a bazillion times. We got smart by the end and started taking turns going on the tours and reporting back about what we'd learned. It was amazing to feel of the spirit of Nauvoo and learn about the sacrifice and dedication of those early saints. On the car ride home (with both kids comatose in the back), Evan and I both commented on how strengthened we felt by the example of those pioneers. Kind of puts my complaining about our gas station dinner in perspective doesn't it?
-Last but not least, my sister Ashley came to visit this past week. This was her last visit out here since she's leaving me all alone in the Midwest and moving to Texas in May. We played with the kids, went to the children's museum and like usual, ate. Though I will say that since Ashley is on a healthy eating kick, eating together was not the same. After all the broccoli and sugar free snacks, I am seriously ready for a cheeseburger and fries. And a milkshake too - a big one.