Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Modern Day Pioneer Adventure

Just when you think I’m done blogging about my snow sob stories, I’m back on my soapbox ready for more. And yes, for those of you checking your calendars, it’s almost May. I’ve been really excited about Colton’s swim lessons starting today and so even though I woke up to snow, I religiously checked the roads outside my window all morning. When it came time to leave, I decided that since I’m in the back of the neighborhood and my street is usually the worst, the roads didn’t look that bad. I hop into my trusty, ‘low to the ground, I’ve got no 4 wheel drive,’ elantra and we’re on our way. Well, almost on our way. Mr. Plow Man had yet to make it through our neighborhood so two streets up, I get stuck. Somehow I manage to coast down the street I’m stuck on and settle next to a curb. Let’s preface the next part of the story with this: I am married to the only man on earth who could put up with me as a wife. I’m cold, stuck and frustrated as all get out so I call Evan. It’s not his fault the car’s stuck and that it’s snowing in late April, but it’s not one of my shining moments, so I let him know it might as well be. He sweetly tells me that he’ll leave work and come help me if I need him to. Let’s be honest, his mazda wouldn’t be able to fare much better but that’s beside the point. It’s the thought that counts. So I call Chanel and bottom line … she saves the day. She says she’s on her way and I’m thinking that she won’t be able to get this deep into the neighborhood. Here’s the pioneer part. I grab Colt and his car seat and start trudging through the snow. That’s not even the best part. I’m wearing flip flops. What the heck was I thinking?? Now is where you roll your eyes at the crazy Texan. Just because you’re going to the pool doesn’t mean you wear flip flops when there’s a blizzard outside! Lesson learned. So my toes are burning and my child is whimpering because of the snow pelting his face. And that’s when this modern-day pioneer sees her rescue wagon. Chanel’s sturdy van barrels down the road, whipping through the snow like it’s no big deal. Chanel is a true friend. She didn’t berate me for my choice of footwear and started the heat full blast on my pathetic feet. The van made it to and from swim lessons and now I’m at home, nice and warm, with some seriously increased respect for the real pioneers.

Friday, April 13, 2007

"I can do it!"

So, sure my 15 month old doesn't actually say those exact words but he pretty much lets me know that's exactly what he's thinking. No doubt my more experienced 'mom friends' are smiling knowingly and shaking their heads at my naivety. I just want to know what happened to my easy-going, laid-back kid? I'm not saying Colton is a terror by any stretch of the imagination (yet?) but admittedly I can be a control freak (just ask Evan) and all of a sudden my kid doesn't want to do what Mom says! Ahhh! Colton has always been a bottomless pit - the kid who would eat anything and everything. Evan and I would just laugh and shake at our heads at the 'other kids' who were thowing food on the ground and spitting out anything their parents offered. Karma right? That's my kid now. I discovered today at lunch that if I offer food to Colton he chews it up (faking me out mind you ... I'm thinking 1 for Mom, 0 for Colt) just so he can spit it out. Yum. The solution - here again smarter moms are wondering why I'm so slow ... let Colt have the control. Sure that means less in his mouth and more mess for me but at least he's eating. This mom thing has been such a learning experience for me. I think back to when Colton was still nestled inside of me, so well-behaved, and all of my grandiose plans for the little guy and the incredible mom I was going to be. I'm much less patient, creative ... to put it bluntly ... perfect than I wanted to be. But isn't that what it's all about? Looking back who knew that I could handle a colicky baby or catch Colt's throw up or patiently pick up the half eaten food all over my floor? Looking back, my patience has doubled - it's not to perfect proportions but it's growing. My creativity has grown - sure most of my ideas are stolen from more creative friends than I but you can't fault a girl for trying! So all in all, this mom thing is not at all what I imagined. I could not have barely begun to imagine how much I would love my child. There are no words to describe the feelings I have for my sweet baby. On second thoughts, I think much of what I'm learning is that he's not my baby anymore. I need to let him grow up and give the poor kid his own spoon!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Cruising in the Caribbean

I finally have myself some high speed internet and am ready to give you the rundown on our 7 day cruise to the Caribbean. To the left Evan and I in front of the ship ... do we look ready for some fun or what? To the bottom, Colt having the time of his life in our room with some bubbles. This was such an awesome vacation - it could bring this girl to tears knowing it's over. Moving on ... to quote Evan, the best excursion of the trip was actually making it TO the ship. Because of some psycho Houston traffic and thinking that the boat departed out of Galveston as opposed to Houston, we had 30 minutes to make it onto the ship and we were an hour away. Cruise ships don't wait. I have never in my life seen my parents drive like they did. Heavenly Father was looking down on us, as both cars were doing 80 in 30 mph zones. Rumor has it that my dad even took his car to the side on 2 wheels trying to make a turn. Evan was frantic (heck, all of our blood pressures were way past cardiac arrest levels) on the phone with the cruise line. He found out that they pulled the planks to the ship at 3:30 pm. All of us looked, with total despair mind you, at the clock. 3:26 pm. I don't think any of us wanted to believe that this vacation we had looked forward to for a whopping 2 years wouldn't happen. Providence prevailed and we screeched into the parking lot at 3:34 pm with the cruise ship attendees waving us frantically onto the ship. Let the vacation begin!

Can we say the food people? Get a load of the midnight chocolate buffet. Thanks to my bro-in-law Logan for these pictures. Who wouldn't want to document absolute melt in your mouth heaven on earth? Bless the wonderful chefs in the back who made this dream of mine come true. And I wish y'all could have seen Evan do some serious damage on this buffet. Six plates later and I was starting to wonder if he would ever come down from the sugar high.

Our first stop was Progreso, Mexico where the whole fam went on a Mayan Reality Tour. We saw the Mayan ruins (Below, Colton with his Nana and Poppa with the ruins in the background.) And Colt drove the tour bus ... or at least wanted to. We stopped in the city where these cute ladies fed us this yummy homemade lunch and these little kids danced a few traditional Mexican dances. Most embarrassing part of the trip: when one of the little boys asked me and my brother Adam to get up and dance. Umm - right ... I'm not exactly known for my Latin moves. Let's be honest - I'm not known for ANY moves. Thankfully I don't have a picture of that moment.

Here's Ashley, Heather and I getting ready to go snorkeling and dunebuggying (yeah, not a word) in Cozumel.

This was my favorite day. Cozumel ... can we say heaven anyone? My parents took Colt for the day and all of the 'kids' went on an excursion with a hilarious tour guide named Pancho. No, not the raingear. He told us if we tipped him 100 bucks or more, he'd give us his sister. Gotta love Pancho. Anyway, we drove these dunebuggies along the gorgeous coast line, stopped and snorkeled in the clearest water I've ever seen (and yes I even snorkeled.) Many of you know my aversion to the ocean - probably because I'm a frequent visitor of sharkattacks.com - but I was loving it. Well, 'my fingers clenched around Evan's arm' loving it. We hung out at this beach (above) where they had a homemade all you can eat (yea!) Mexican buffet. After my 10th empenada I was ready to do some laying out without worrying about Colton eating the sand. Thanks Mom and Dad!