Thursday, March 08, 2012

What we've been up to

Delaney crawling. Here she is thinking about it. Really seriously thinking about it.

Enjoying the snow or what little snow we've had. It's been an amazingly mild winter and I have to stop myself from shedding a tear or two of joy if I think about it too long.

Eating out. Nothing new here but apparently Delaney is overcome with excitement.
Heading into the city for a fun date night with friends. Ate some yummy Thai and hit up a Broadway show. Though if you must know, not my favorite. Pretty much the opposite. One of the actor's voices had me twitching and there was a little too much dramatic romance/washing men out of girls' hair. But hey, the tickets were cheap, the food great, and the company even better.
Last but certainly not least, my good friend/old roomie/fellow EFY counselor came to town! Haley even brought her sweet baby who is only a couple of weeks older than Delaney. Here are Camilla and Delaney sizing each other up...
And before you know it, bosom buddies!
Evan watched the four kiddos for us (not for the faint of heart) so Haley and I could head out for a night in downtown Naperville (which is very near and dear to my heart). We did what we do best...ate some yummy food and chatted like it was going out of style. We came home to all four kids fed, in their pajamas, and what's more, not one kid was crying. Yay Evan! So great to see Haley and hang out like the good ole days. Well almost like the good ole days. Pretty sure we were in bed by 10:30 every night. And I'm also pretty sure that never happened once when we were roomies.
Up next...our trip to Cali where there was sun, more sun and even a dusting off of my beloved flip flops!