Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy Halloween...

For Halloween, as Evan put it, Colt was a ... well, colt. I think Evan would have preferred to have him dress up as a ninja but with time running out, I bought the Wal-mart special. He was our little horse for the night. We just taught him to clap (and high 5) in time for last week's football game and that's just what his little 'hooves' are doing in this picture. And in the next picture. He was clapping all night (maybe he knew how excited his mom was for the candy.)

Colton was loving it while we were trick or treating. He loved all the people and especially the dogs that greeted us at the doorsteps as well. Here's the back of the costume (mane and all) as he races away from the camera.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

YAY! I found your blog! I LOVE his costume, I can't believe I didn't get to see him in it!!! HOW CUTE!!!! I love your blog, you're such a cute family, soooo happy we're friends!!!!