Thursday, May 06, 2010

Birthday Boy

As of two days ago, my baby is officially two and truthfully, he's not a baby. He's a full fledged toddler and right on cue has started acting like a two year old, complete with Academy Award worthy tantrums and the declaring of his independence. I'm pretty sure that I hear, "I do it" about 3,258 times a day. It seems we're right on schedule. So how to celebrate his big day? My goal was to say "no" as little as possible. To let him try it on his own even if it meant waiting three hours for him to buckle his carseat or put his own shoes on or bathe himself... and losing my mind in the process. Cade also determined the menu for the day, starting with pancakes.

After uploading his birthday pictures, I realized that every one of them was of him in his seat at the kitchen table eating or about to eat. Pretty accurate for how I think birthdays should be celebrated.
Ready for cake. Colt had a hard time at the beginning of the day realizing that it was not his birthday being recognized, but perked right up once he realized he got quite a few of the birthday benefits.

Does this cake look familiar? Let's rewind two or so years to Colt's 2nd birthday. What can I say? I order cakes with the best of 'em.

I love this little man something fierce. This second time around I've remembered how much I love this stage. The part where they really start talking and telling you how they see the world. I asked Cade what he wanted for dinner and he said rice. I asked him what else and he answered water. What? After a little more conversation he settled on a burger from "Cheeseburger King" (as it's known around here). I love how he makes me laugh and will still snuggle with me before a nap or sometimes, for no reason at all. I'm more than grateful that we were blessed to have Cade come to our family.
Here's a couple of videos from the birthday festivities (mostly for the grandmas/aunts out there but for anyone else who cares to look too). On the first video, check out Cade singing to himself and Evan's sweet "zoom in" skills. The second video is Colt's take on the whole birthday thing.


Natalie N said...

Hey you! I've been thinking about you ever since I read a funny comment you left on Cristy's blog... something about being at a museum and saying "1...2...3..." differently than Cristy. You're a hoot.

When I first saw this picture of Cade I thought, "Who is this blonde kid?" And then my 2nd thought was, "Has it really been that long since I've visited Rebecca's blog?" I'm dying that I haven't dropped by sooner.

I'm loving the birthday update and hearing more about your BIG 2 year old! What a little beauty! You're right though--despite the stubborn "I do it myself" attitude, this really is a fun stage. Enjoy your baby as long as you can! :)

Ladybug said...

Thanks so much for the posting! I'm sorry I spaced and forgot to call but thanks for letting us share the fun. Can't believe how big they get so fast!! It's so cute to hear them talk! Love the video of him singing to himself-- that's too precious! And way to go for you being the super patient mommy w/ toddler attitude! you go girl! tons of love to you all!!

Kerri said...

Question: did you manipulate his dinner menu plan? sounds like he was trying to go healthy or vegan, and you assured him that YES, he wanted a cheesburger king meal. Not trusting his subtle hints to avoid fast-food are you? Nah, I wouldn't either.

Happy Birthday, Cade!

Kerri said...

ps...the cake is cuter that the bowl-elmo-head i would have made you. you win.

Cristy said...

Oh my beep! That is the cutest kid ever! When DID he grow up!?! I thought he was still a new born... :) Seriously time flies. Now that I think of it, Hailey is turning 2 this year too. How did I not put this together? Sigh... Those videos are hilarious. I can just picture your kids sitting around watching them ten years from now and laughing. Families are the best. Happy Mother's Day you great mama!

chanel said...

I love that boy! i love them bOTH and am so excited that one day one of them (or I'll take both) might be my SIL!!
Still feel bad I didn't remember his birthday, I mean WHO forgets a 2 year olds birthday???? HE RULES and is just so adorable.

You are THE coolest mom too! Look at all that party gear for just your family, HOW FUN ARE YOU!!!
I love you and breaks my heart we aren't together, his birthday was awesome too.

Happy BIrthday Caders!!!

Rach said...

I love all the pictures! They are looking so big, and (of course) so cute! And no need to apologize about your even had a party tablecloth! :-D

Genevre said...

Look at you blogging again- within a month of the last post! You crazy blogger!! Cade is such a handsome stud. He is getting so big! And kudos for you for letting Colt do what he wanted that day- I'm interested on how well that one went :)

The Piersons said...

Oh Happy Birthday to sweet, sweet Cade. It looks like he had such a fun birthday and I can't believe how big he is getting. He looks so different and mature somehow. I love his videos. I really need to see you guys. When are you coming to Texas again?

Julia said...

time sure flies..and others kids sure grow when you read about their lives through the blogs. haha. your cade sure is a cute one, happy birthday to him!! hooray for being two..oh man i hear you with the buckling in the car by themselves! for some reason i have no patience with that!