Friday, February 16, 2007

The Day of Love

I decided to go out on a limb and actually blog about something other than Colton. And somewhere my mom sighs in disappointment when she realizes that means no pictures of her favorite subject. Here's my belated update on the day of love. Admittedly, Evan and I have had some rough February 14ths in the past. Mainly because I'm a girl and thought that my husband looked forward to Valentine's with the same anticipation I did. Like a kid on Christmas morning. Or like a Saturday of skiing in fresh powder. Right? With a whopping 2 1/2 years of marriage underneath my belt, I'm slowly starting to realize the enormous differences between man and wife. But Evan made sure that this year was different and I love him for it. I walked downstairs on Wednesday to these gorgeous flowers and twix scattered all over the house. Ummm...chocolate and flowers, what more can I girl ask for? I almost forgot - there was a card with my name inscribed on the front. Well, not really my name. It actually read, "Babecca." Too funny; so Evan. That's why he deserves a blog post all his own. Almost. Colton is eating paper so he's cutting my tribute to my husband short. You knew I couldn't really get through an entire post without mentioning the best gift Evan ever gave me.


Ryan said...

Babecca I love this blog!!! Evan is so funny! What a doll of a hubby you landed. I heard you got dinner out on Vday TOO???? Wow!
Now blog about Colton and make your dear mama happy!

Cristy said...

Ah ha ha ha..... sounds like you had a good Vday. We woman deserve one every now and then...

This year I got a cold.... .... .... :)