Thursday, June 19, 2008

Feeding Elmo, Lake Powell, and other stuff

It's blurry but I had to show everyone (I'm sure a teenage Colton will forever thank me for sharing this with the world) but everytime I feed Cade, Colton is determined to nurse Elmo as well. In all actuality, Elmo nurses from Colt's belly button. I must say that I cannot wait to show Colton's future wife this picture.
In other news, we just got back from a WONDERFUL week at Lake Powell with my family. Everyone pitched in and stayed home with our kiddos which allowed me to try waterskiing again. We had a boat growing up and my natural aversion to large bodies of water coupled with me liking my feet on stable ground led to me never getting up on the skis. After being assured numerous times by family members that alligators do not reside in Lake Powell and with Evan in the water with me (so that the Loch Ness monster could take him first) I finally got up on skis. I think my family was in shock. Heck, I was too. I ventured out of my comfort zone and tried to go over the wake and bruised my tailbone in the process. Moral of the story - don't try anything crazy and you don't get hurt. The picture I didn't get but wish I had was Evan on skis. I may be biased but he was so fun to watch. He catches air people! The downside to this is he bruised his rib. Actually, now he thinks he may have broken it. Moral of the story - don't try anything crazy and you don't get hurt.

Colt loved being in the boat - not so much the cold water but definitely the boat. Thanks again to Mom and Dad for an awesome week!

Last but not least, a Happy Father's Day to my man. About a week after we started dating, I knew without a doubt that Evan would make an awesome dad. It's documented in my journal people - I'm not making this up. Colt adores Evan and Evan deserves to be adored. For Colton, Lake Powell was full of "cliff jumping" with Dad, finding lizards and snakes with Dad, and tubing with Dad. I'm reveling in the fact that Cade is a mama's boy right now (I have the food) because I know it won't last.

Oh and this picture of Cade is for the adoring aunts and grandparents out there that want an updated picture. I am loving those chubby cheeks. It's nice to know that all those night feedings are paying off.


Ashley said...

Well look who updated before me! I'm loving it! In fact, I'll just send you my pictures and you can update for me! I'm in an anti-blogging mood lately. Love reading others, but don't want to update my own.

And you're right, I totally needed more pictures. The ones I showed Logan weren't that good and didn't do justice, so I'm glad you put these on here.

Evan = awesome dad! Logan and I had a conversation that lasted forever about how great of a dad he is, and how great y'all are. We can't wait to see you! One month from today! Yea for work being over and vacation to start all over again!

Kelley Flint said...

Sounds like such a fun vacation. Glad that you guys could get away, and congrats for getting up on skis. Good for you.

Cristy said...

REBECCA!! Look at you on ski's! I remember when your Dad took us once to Lake Conroe and we were all freaking out about the alligators. I remember holding onto the tubes for dear life! I get really freaked out when I get up on ski's.. it just feels weird to be gliding over the water, and so I let go... another disappointment for my coordinated husband! And how funny is Colt nursing Elmo!!!!! Definitely a picture for the wedding sideshow! I'm glad you guys had fun and packed up the kiddies for an adventure.

Maria said...

Glad you had a good trip! Love the nursing elmo story! Colton will love that some day..ha!

Ladybug said...

So blasted funny to see Colt "nursing" Elmo. That is awesome!! Congrats on getting up on the skiis-- You go girl!! And thanks so much for sending us more pictures of little Cade. I can't wait to see his face develop as he gets older. He looks more like you than Colton did. I'm glad he's a mama's boy. And, not to say we knew it, but I'm thrilled to see Evan becoming the wonderful father we knew he could be. He's awesome and I'm sure you will both get even better with all this experience you are getting!!
Love you all!!

Rach said...

Way to go on the water skiing! I'm very impressed. Looks like your trip was so much fun. Colton is looking so old and SO cute- and Cade is so sweet! I love the cheeks, although, I'm partial to chubby cheeks!

Lindsey said...

You've definitley got two cute kids. You're a better person than me for getting up on those skis!

chanel said...

Sooo sweet!

Love the nursing pictures too- Colt is THE BEST!

Yeah I have a whole different "moral of the story" about NOT getting into lakes now- thanks for the heads up.

Ashley said...

Rebecca you are SO in trouble...just so you know! ......=). You owe me a Molten Lava Chocolate Cake from Chili's...and oh look, we're coming to visit in a month - PERFECT timing!

The Piersons said...

I'm trying to figure out a way to print that picture of Colt and put it up in my house, you two produce abnormally cute offspring.

Nice work on the skiing, I am so jealous of your trip!

Genevre said...

I love those cheeks! I can't believe you took the kids to Lake Powell- you are amazing. When we went I was fine until Chris lightly mentioned while I was in the water that it can be up to 300feet deep in some parts!- Freaked me out!

Natalie N said...

WAY TO GO Rebecca!! I know I totally sound like a mommy when I say this, but really, I'm so proud of you!! :) That is awesome news about you on the skis. I remember our Lake Conroe days too. I bet your parents were so bugged by us dorky beehives being scared of non-existent alligators!

And your kids get cuter every time I see pictures of them. Nuring Elmo through the navel is classic! Great story!

Oh and happy late Father's Day to Evan from Tyler & me. We think highly of him too!

Melanie said...

Yay, I'm so glad that you've updated. Sounds like a fun vacation. Congratulations on getting up on the skies. I can't believe that I've still never been waterskiing, I've got to do that sometime soon.

I love your cute family and your adorable kids. I wish that I were closer so that I could come meet them in person. . .one day.

Bethany said...

I've tried and tried, but I just can't waterski. Your baby is so cute! How goes two?

chris+amber said...

Oh, I am so jealous you can swim now. I'm dying to go swimming. WAY TO GO ON THOSE SKIS! I'm in love w/ Cade's droopy chubby delicious cheeks! You must be producing CREAM! :o)

Julia said...

That is one chubby and oh-so-cute little baby!! Glad you guys had such a great time on your family vacation. Way to go for getting up on the skis. I totally feel you on all your aversions to things like that. Aren't you glad you did it though? (Despite the tail bone.) Loved the update! (HAHA oh and yes it will be hilarious to show Colt's wife that picture.)

Jordan and Jodi said...

Cute kids! I love the Elmo story! You're will be a great one to share with his future wife and kids! Lake Powell looked like fun! Vacation is always nice!!

Ashley said...

haha, your background is white huh? how funny, oops. but no not boring, just in need of some updates gf! =) Remember that one day you told me they were coming? I do...=)

Ashley said...

yep, i just realized i posted twice about the same huh? Thanks!