Monday, June 30, 2008

I love to eat

Which is why the hubby did so awesome on my birthday (or shall we say birthday weekend - I know I'm not the only one to drag these things out). I just polished off the Twix bar "Colt" gave me and on Friday ate myself into oblivion with PF Changs, French toast and Coldstone. Which is what prompted my sister Heather to ask (after finding out what I did on the big day), "How is that working with the whole losing the baby weight thing?" Niiiiiccce. Which is why after our frog adventure (hence the pictures) I went on a jog with Evan. You know it's been "awhile" since you've exercised when your 2 year old can't stop exclaiming, "Look Mommy runs!" Yes, honey, Mommy does know how.
Onto the frog. Evan caught him while Colton was napping and was determined to keep him around till Colt woke up. Now here's the part where you can tell Colt is being raised by the girliest of girls. The above picture is when the frog escaped (see clenched fingers) and below is where the little frog got a little too close (see him preparing to jump). Thank goodness for Evan (or Farmer Evan as I want to call him when he wears his "yardwork" hat) who will hopefully make sure these boys have the right amount of testosterone.


The Piersons said...

I love that eating style of yours. All your favs, coldestone, pf changes,everytime we go to either of those places I talk about you and how we used to eat there so much.

I always think of you on your birthday (eventhough I don't always show it) with the whole Joseph Smith connection. I'm glad it was so fabulous, you deserve it, a week of celebration at least.

Oh and by the way, I couldn't fit into my wedding dress today if someone paid me. (okay maybe if someone paid me a lot of money and gave me like a week to starve myself :)

Jewelle said...

That is too funny about the frog business! The pictures were cute!

Cristy said...

Ha ha! As if you need to lose baby weight... I saw you on those water skis! You look great!

Love the frog story. And by the way, Rrrrrrr, look at your sexy fisherman hubby! ;)

Maria said...

Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like you had a fun day!! Birthdays are the best...mainly for the food reason! Calories don't count anyways so don't worry about it:)
You look great anyways!!

Bethany said...

Mmmm. Cold Stone. I could use a good cake batter cone right now. Happy birthday. Oh, and calories on your b-day don't count. Not ever.

wylie said...

Happy Birthday! I know I am 3 days late but I did think of you and then that made me miss you so I was kind of sad on your birthday but I am glad you spent it in style. Eating out! Our favorite! Yay

chanel said...

oH MY GOSH I love the frog adventure!!! Look at you out there WITH THE CAMERA!!!!! Colt is so funny with his clenched fists! What fun! President Farmer Evan is killing me!

And yeah, could you stop RUNNING and just keep eating, it would make me feel so much better!!!!

Julia said...

Woah..your birthday feast sounds like a GOOD one to me!! Happy birthday!!

I laughed about the running thing...gosh I'm the same way.

Ashley said...

Hello posts! And running! And cameras! You make me laugh in your posts. Logan got semi-offended when I wrote that you can make me laugh like no one else can...until he realized I am always laughing when I talk to you. "Mommy CAN run!" i think i about peed.

Call me crazy, but Coldstone is my least favorite ice cream place, it's too heavy for me. I LOVE TCBY though. But i'm glad you got spoiled all the same. I made sure to tell Logan about how great Evan did 20x, so he'll remember what shoes he has to fill! =).

We went on a walk last night, saw some bats (hello scary) and we got so excited to come and visit...11 days girl till our fun date night! We can't wait!

P.S. as if this comment can't get any longer, did you watch bachelorette last night?

Ladybug said...

I know I've said this before but dang, girl, you're funny! Love how you pointed out Colt's clenched fingers. So good to have a guy around to handle the boy things. If I were raising boys alone, they would all be sissies because I'm terrified of most living things-- including several plants! :) Miss you but so glad you had a great b-day. It just doesn't feel like the real thing unless there's too much great food!
Love ya babe!!

Kelley Flint said...

How funny. I would react the same way Colt did. Sounds like a great birthday weekend.

Katie said...

Ah, Rebs, how I miss eating with you. We had a lot of fun (and a lot of cookies).
Do you ever do Tae Bo anymore?

chris+amber said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Evan knows food is the way to your ♥! :o) It's a good way to win ANYONE over, anyway. Colt's hilarious... "Look, Mommy runs!" Ha ha...

Lindsey said...

What a great way to spend your birthday - eating at great places, yum. Every time I run (which isn't often, it's usually because my niece or nephew convinced me to race them) I feel as if I'm going to die and I feel like I look like Phoebe on Friends when she runs. Good for you!

chanel said...

i love ashley's comment- and I miss tcby, but coldstone will do.
this is me talkign to you since mom dog is there.

Ashley said...

oh, haha, you're background is white too.. no actually i've never though of your blog as boring. Honestly. Mine is though, you can barely read anything and I'm not in the mood to fix it. Oh well.


Anna said...

Happy late Birthday! I laughed out loud at the "Mommy can run." After Audra had her last baby, Keynan said "Does this mean you have enough energy to play with me now?"

Jordan and Jodi said...

Happy b-lated birthday to YOU! Sounds like you know just how to party....wait I already knew that! :)

Unknown said...

look mommy runs......oh my gosh that is awesome!