Monday, October 27, 2008

Quick Trip

This past weekend we drove to meet up with my parents and sister Heather (who's going to BYU right now) in Provo for the weekend. We're true blue and though the Cougars lost last weekend ruining their chance at a BCS bowl (sniff, sniff), we showed our support by driving for 16 hours to spend one short day in Utah. That's 15 hours too long for our 2 children. Did I mention that we bleed blue? And that I love any chance I get to see my family?
On a side note, this is Cade about to fall asleep for a nap. I love that he slept this way and am patting myself on the back that I remembered to document it, before he started sleeping on his stomach.
And one last side note. My friend Katie inspired me to admit that I'm not a huge fan of Halloween. Whew. There, I said it. Here's hoping that y'all don't erase my name from your sidebars. I LOVE fall and Thanksgiving and the leaves turning and Christmas and well a lot of other holidays. I just don't get into the dressing up. My almost 30 year old husband feels that we should STILL be dressing up. And I feel pressure because I'm a people pleaser like that and I like to make him happy because well, I love him. And I don't get into dressing up my kids. I wish I did. I think if I was creative like Gen or Chanel or any of my very talented other friends, that I would probably get into it more. But I go to Wal-mart, convince Colt that his long lost hero is Batman, pay the $15, and call it good. What's more, at preschool, one of the moms was asking all the kids what they wanted to be for Halloween and Colt was confused. Because I'm a bad mom that way. This Friday night I'll be giving him a crash course about why he's Batman and having him memorize, "Trick or Treat" until next year when we repeat the vicious cycle. Okay, I feel like I just went to confession. Evan, I hope you're reading this because my days of dressing up are over.


Lindsey said...

What an adorable way to sleep, what a stud! I'm not a big fan of Halloween. Poor Colton. I'm sure this won't taint him for the rest of his life.

Anna said...

What a cute picture of Cade! Truth be told, I'm not a huge fan of Halloween either. Even as a little kid I was always a little embarrassed to dress up.

chanel said...

OK BEST pictures EVER!!! You're mom has to be IN LOVE with the first one! We should talk about the cute things you can do with it for a CHristmas gift!

ANd thank you for sooo making me laugh about your halloween confession. I am becoming more and more disallusioned by this holiday, maybe b/c i just want it all to be over so i can have my baby!
i love that colt is going to be batman- hilarious!!!!

Ladybug said...
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Ladybug said...

I totally dig you on the Halloween thing. Being a nut for chocolate I was always into that part of it but I felt like a total loser because my costumes were always mostly lame (no offense to my mom who tried so hard). You can't really do a great costume w/o some serious green or some fantastic imagination. Since I lacked both, I always felt stupid. Now that I can buy my own chocolate, there's no way I'm getting in costume. It's fun for me to give it to kids and I love to see kids dressed up. But, I can't imagine how expensive that gets for the parents-- a new costume every year for every kid! Dude! The cutest kids to come to my parents front door though were four little boys dressed as knights and their dad was carrying the little girl who was dressed in a lion costume but wearing a pink princess crown. I'm thinking she needed to "girl" that lion up. :) I'm sure Colt will be a terrific Batman and I'm positive he won't be harmed for life for this. You and Ev-dog do such a great job!!
Thanks a zillion for the superb picture of Cade. That is a keeper! What a great pose! Kiss both the boys for me and pray hard for us on Prop 8!
Lots of love from auntie cj!

chris+amber said...

You & my mom are part of the Halloween Haters club. So funny. I love Cade's little pose. Can't wait to see pics of Colt in his Batman costume. You kill me.

Kelley Flint said...

Cade looks so cute. What a sweetheart. I'm not big on Halloween either. I still haven't bought any candy to hand out.

Unknown said...


we bleed RED in this house.

but i'm not sure 16 hours of driving with two kids is worth watching the Utes play.....maybe only like the NBA Championship for the Jazz.....

Cristy said...
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Cristy said...

Go Cougars! If we can just beat Utah I will be a happy girl!

As for Halloween, right there with ya! I totally resent all the weeks of horrible junk in the stores that makes my kids crazy and asking for stuff and wanting to look at all the gory creepy crap and then they end up having nightmares and crawling into my bed and making me cranky and yea I don't like to dress up to boot! And I REALLY don't like the kid who shows up to the Ward Halloween party wearing a fat suit coming up to me and telling me I"m his twin. Yea, thanks. I need a Reese's.

Genevre said...

You are so funny! If it make you feel any better I don't really like Columbus Day :)
So sad thea the one game you get to go to they lose. We went to the UCLA game..the best game I have ever been to!!

The Piersons said...

I love the pictures, sweet, sweet boys. You have no idea how excited I am to see them and you!! We can't wait.

You are a loyal family member making that trek out to Utah.

Berly said...

I love the hands under his head. SOOOO cute. And you don't like Halloween. I LOOOOOOVE it. I am one of those that would still dress up, but i don't want to spend the money. Anyways, I am proud of you for confessing. Good for You!! Are you going to the Air Force vs BYU game in couple of weeks? Scream extra loud for us if you are. We will be gone, but I wanted to go badly!

Ashley said...

You should've been here last wanted to put a bowl of candy on the porch and call it good. Niice! =). haha. At least she got candy though, right?

How did it go last night? Tons of fun I hope! That pic of Cade is my favorite. Post Batman pics soon k?

Natalie N said...

ha ha. You are cracking me up with your Halloween "confession"! "Here's hoping that y'all don't erase my name from your sidebars" - I busted out laughing. You're hilarious.

Sister C is still a babe! And how stinking CUTE is your Cade with his hands behind his head like he's living the life!? Greatest picture! He's such a hunk!

Maria said...

I didn't know you were coming to Utah??? What a quick trip!! glad you had fun though!! Halloween is over rated...Thanksgiving is what it is all and football:)

Julia said...

I'm SO not a Halloween person either. You're not alone. Cute, cute picture of Cade!

Robyn & Aaron said...

How much do I love that you said that! On Halloween night we went out to dinner with Tracie, Troy, and my mom and then came back to our apt. to chat while I (the pregnant lady) fell asleep. Crazy halloween huh! Love your honesty!

Katie said...

Yay! I'm glad I inspired someone else. And I soooo love that Colt was confused about dressing up for Halloween.

Other than the candy, what good is it really?

That picture of Cade is so cute.

PS. I miss you Rebs.