Thursday, January 15, 2009

A quick shout out

To the I love this woman. She makes me want to be a pioneer. Her recipes for Chocolate Sheet Cake (aka Texas sheet cake - we Texans are cocky enough to think we invented it), Apple Dumplings, and Sigrid's Carrot Cake are to die for.
Evan's latest goal is to not eat sweets. I'm not what you would call "supportive." So I've resorted to tempting that man like the devil - and it's working.
If you live by me, come grab a piece so that I'm able to wear something besides sweat pants by the end of the week. If you don't live by me, come visit, and I promise to make you something that would make all pioneer women proud.
ps - that picture is not my picture (it's the pioneer woman's picture) but really doesn't it make your mouth water SO much you drool a little?


Katie said...

I don't think I've ever eaten more sweets than the year we all lived together. Mmmm...that was a delicious year. Also, I lost weight that year. Not sure how that one happened.

Do you have my brownie recipe to tempt him with?

Berly said...

YUM!! I love Texas Sheet cake. Do you have a good recipe?

Ashley said...

and let's not forget why you love apple dumplings...right? haha. j/k.

So I am coming to a couple weeks actually. So does that mean I get homemade carrot cake, that yummy mexican dinner, and homemade donuts? I'll even offer up Logan to help you in the kitchen...hahaah! Did I tell you he had my friend make me an apron for my b-day? That's a joke right? Or so I was thinking when I looked at him.
haha. He got an apron in his stocking too...b/c I'm such a supportive wife!

Ashley said...

bytheway, try that buttermilk texas sheet cake recipe again that I told you about....the one from mom's ward's cookbook. Truly, one of my FAVE recipes.

Julia said...

Oh Texas Sheet Cake is one of Ian's favorites so it's a staple around here. Luckily I don't like it too much so I don't eat's all the other sweets that are a problem. I've never been to that website, but with your high recommendation I'll have to look around.

RAPN! said...

I think I am going to make this!How can a pregnant lady resist!!

Cristy said...

OOOOOoooooo.... me wanty! ;)

My favorite cake of my Mother's is technically a Texas Sheet Cake (We call it Sunken Cake because it always gets this big hole in the middle where it's gooey and yummy)

Luckily my husbands goal is to stop drinking Soda. Bring on the Baked Goods! (Who cares about soda?)

And I will definitely take you up on the come and visit. Gotta just figure out when!

Heather O said...

A pioneer seriously? I really think the thing keeping me from wanting that is making my own clothes. But I'll try the cooking, thanks for sharing the website!

chris+amber said...

Oh girl. I'm a big fan too. I've made those Apple Dumplings. Sinfully delicious. Your boys are too cute!

Maria said...

That is a good blog! I love everything about sweets. Evan is crazy to give them up! I love that you are tempting him. Let me know your fav recipes!

Genevre said...

I have never had apple dumplings. I will have to try it, I am very familiar with Texas cake...who can say no, really?

The Piersons said...

Sounds like a good enough reason to take a trip to Colorado to me.