Sunday, March 08, 2009

Big News

This is our new home, in about 2 months that is. We're heading out East to set up roots in Tennessee. Since I've heard the news, I feel the need to use more southern phrases and "set up roots" seems appropriate. "Dadgum" too (see last post). I've never been to Tennessee but I'm planning on southern hospitality, lots of yummy fried food, and things like "I reckon." Anyone who actually has been there, feel free to set me straight. Evan's company came to him a few weeks ago and told him that work was getting slow, as in "so slow we're laying off people - good people." Relocation was deemed a much better option than paycheck. I do love hitting up the local Taco Bell every now again and a paycheck helps to keep those dreams of mine alive. We found out that Evan's company in the Knoxville area was willing to take him on and so began our new adventure. Feelings for me are mixed. Evan too. Evan will miss our good friends, the mountains, the snow, all things Colorado. I'll miss our good friends. So for now I say bring on the fried chicken!


Berly said...

FUN!! I have heard Tennessee is BEAUTIFUL!! Now I wonder why I haven't spent more time seeing you. I need to see you before you move to the south. I love the south!!

Ashley said...

Seriously...we are SOOO excited y'all will be living so close, I really don't even know how to handle myself, I mean think of all the possibilities. We should just rent next door or something ;). Our friends told us yesterday they've driven from Columbus to Knoxville and the drive is super short & easy. I can't wait to test it ;). Good luck getting everything done - moving is totally stressful but exciting-ish all the same right? :). I will miss visiting CO though...good memories. Yea for Evan and Yea for Taco Bell runs ;). Totally funny bytheway, made me laugh.

Valerie and Adam said...

Moving's a pain, but at least the picture of the area looks pretty! I'll bet it's even more beautiful in the fall. I'm so happy that y'all still have a paycheck, too. I'd be willing to move anywhere to keep the money coming in. (Well, almost anywhere...small towns of population 100 don't really count.) And there's a lot to be said for fried chicken. Seriously, I have a friend from Tennessee, and she's the sweetest person I know, very down to earth, and definitely one of those that would say "I reckon..." to you.

Julia said...

Oh I've always wanted to go to Tennessee. It looks gorgeous. How exciting for y'all! Yes these days you just have to be grateful for a relocation is better than no paycheck for sure.

RAPN! said...

Congratulations! Tennessee will be fun!!!! Hey, doensn't that make you a little closer to your sister? :)
Nashville, music, fried foods, front porch with swings, humidity.....Tennesse is beautiful and tell Evan, Tennesse gets snow. Maybe you can go on a trip to the Appalachines....skiing occurs there!CONGRATS

Jewelle said...

I feel for you. You guys are heading of to an area by yourselves. I am trying to stay positive by thinking of this as "an adventure". Keep up the happy "fried chicken" thoughts, and maybe we can keep each other company through e-mails/blogs!

chanel said...

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! i have been waiting for this post, but now that its here it seems so real, and soooooooooooooooo SAD! (FOR ME NOT YOU) DONT LEAVE ME!!!!!!

Ya'll are gonna LOVE it. Honestly it sounds really perfect for you guys. Im really excited to come visit!

Maria said...

I hope you love it!! I have been to TN, don't remember much though, sorry! Do you have a house yet? I hope the move goes well. I am sad because we are going to Boulder in June, I was hoping to see you...I guess we will have to visit TN sometime!

Nolo and Lauren said...

You'll enjoy it. It's beautiful. My bro-in-law's family lived there for years (med school), plus my little bro went there on a mission. Good luck with the actual move itself. Can't wait to see pictures

OTR said...

What?! When are you moving? Craziness!

Lindsey said...

Tennessee!! I've only been there once, to visit Graceland! You should go :) I hope you like it. When do you move? CRAZY.

Heather O said...

Wow, that is a big change but sounds like fun! Keep us posted!

The Piersons said...

Rebecca, this is huge news!! I can't believe it! I really do think you will love it, I've only been there twice but thought it was gorgeous and wonderful. Anyways, on a different note, that is very, very close to Aaron's family. Their temple is in Tennessee so we go there fairly often. So I am so excited.

Anyways, this is a forever post, but Aaron's firm is doing layoffs like crazy too so we're looking into relocation as crazy!

Genevre said...

What a big change..but there are good people everywhere, and you make friends so easily I wouldn't be worried if I were you. I am a bit jealous, Chris and I will live till we die here in Utah I am sure.

Natalie N said...

WOW!!! This is a big move, and you sound so optimistic. Thank goodness for the job transfer for Evan! Do you remember Sis Fackrell's lessons on "Bloom where you're planted"?
I think of her each time I have to move, and I just know you and Evan and your boys will BLOOM in Tennessee--fried chicken and all. ;) Good luck!

Jordan and Jodi said...

WOW! How crazy but how blessed that you have the option to relocate! You crack me up---I know less than you about southern things but I would think you have it right? ha ha ha! Do they have a Taco Bell out there? Ummm?? When do you move?

Cristy said...

Congrats?! Craziness. Calling soon.

Kelley Flint said...

Big news! But exciting too. Life is truly an adventure and this will be the start of a new one. Good luck with the move and all. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Katie said...

Tennessee sounds like a beautiful place.

Plus, now you can listen to "Tender Tennessee Christmas" and it will be about your home.

I'm really glad you are landing on your feet. Good luck in your new adventure.

Melanie said...

Wow, this is NEWS! I'm glad that you guys have a job and hope the move goes smoothly.

I'm so excited that you'll be on the east end of the country! Knoxville is 7 hours and 40 minutes from Maryland (I'm moving back to DC in about two months). I'm totally inviting myself to come visit you . . .once you get settled, and assuming I myself find a job and have the money to pay for the gas down there. :)

RandomJonesThoughts said...

Tennessee sounds like a fun new adventure. I hope you guys like it there! :)

chris+amber said...

I'm sad you're moving even further away from me! I'm glad Evan was able to keep his job, though!