Monday, May 04, 2009

The big 0-1

Cade, just a few minutes old

Happy birthday to my Cade! I can't believe my little guy is one today. A question to the moms out there - is it just me or does it go by faster with the 2nd one? It feels like yesterday that I was holding my calm, sweet baby and having a drag out battle with the hubby over his name. I was nervous with the 2nd one, wondering if he would be a colicky baby ( 1st) and keep me near tears with his crying. And then Cade happened and I wonder what I ever did without him. He's snuggly (still!), feisty, outgoing, happy and just a joy. I feel so blessed to have these sweet boys in my life and to be entrusted to teach them, love them, and raise them to be the kind of men that God would want them to be (hopefully something like their dad).

Evan had a test in LA a week ago and because of Southwest (now THAT is a company I could do a commercial for) the kids and I were able to hop along for the ride. We were able to make it down to the museum in downtown LA and Colt was quite taken with some walking stick bug there. The Mr. Museum man told Colt that he would be an entomologist when he grew up. Ummmm...that's fine sweetie, but don't be bringing your work home with you.

On Evan's request - or rather - demand, we made it to the beach. How it's considered a "beach day" when I'm in a sweatshirt, I'll never know, but Evan and Colt had fun (cousin Anna too). Evan insisted on burying people. Morbid man.

Thanks to the Joneses for hosting us! And thanks to the state of California for cooling down for us (hello 100 degree temps the first couple of days!)

Ps - I just found out what my sis is having! Congrats to her - I'm ridiculously excited to be loving on her baby!


Julia said...

Oh wow..what a fun get away to LA! I can NOT believe Cade is one! Wow, times flies. Your kids are growing up too fast for me. haha.

Ashley said...

Oh what a sweet sweet boy that Cade is - I can't believe he's already 1!! I so remember you calling me telling me he was born, which does NOT seem like a year ago.

Loved the pics from LA, especially Colt & Evan being buried :).

Wish I could come over and have a cupcake ;)

Happy Bday Caders!

chanel said...

oh your words about cade made me cry- not that is hard for me to do righty now- but soooo sweet. ry & i both feel like cade's first year flew! i remember being at the hospital! soooo fast man! he is just darling! love his personality & you are such a wonderful mama for your boys, weewees & all.

RAPN! said...

congrats on benig an aunt! just wait til you have a third! time flies!!!

Genevre said...

I can't belive Cade is one! That is crazy! I really can't belive it! Logan turns 2 next week! You CA trip looked fun!

Ladybug said...

Such awesome pictures! Your boys are too dang cute for words-- I just want to gobble them up. Time sure does fly especially from the doting auntie perspective. Congrats on the news for your sister! Being an aunt is the fun part about parenting-- you get to love and then pass of the discipline to someone else. Love the perks! :) Love you all so much! Miss you & the boys but thanks a million for the great pictures. What fun!!