It's official - I'm in love with the Chicago skyline. This was our view from the ferris wheel. Evan and I decided to venture down with the kids to Navy Pier and it is by far the best downtown I've ever been in. Not that I'm some world traveler but still. We felt like tourists the whole time because we had NO idea where we were or what we were doing. Case in point: showing up to the train station 5 minutes after the train left. No big deal right? Wrong. The next train wasn't leaving for TWO hours - no big deal except for our crankypants kids. We did what any self respecting parent would do. Loaded them up with sugar to keep 'em happy. I'm slowly falling in love with things here and there. Namely the FOOD! Why has no one ever told me that Chicagoans know how to eat??
After Navy Pier, it started to cool off and as we were walking back to the train station we passed a little park full of fountains for the kids to run around in. So much fun for them and more fun for me to rest my feet in the lovely grass. I LOVE the grass here - random but true. Any of my fellow Texans know what I'm talking about with the painful grass down there?
My sis and her hubby came down for the weekend. It was a ton of fun and in true Carleton style we ate ourselves silly. Friday night started out with Giordano's pizza and ended with some gelato. Saturday started out with some Belgian waffles, Burger King (I told you I'm obsessed) and ended with this place:
Ashley and Logan were nice enough to watch our kiddos so that Evan could take me out to an Italian place called RoSal's for a birthday dinner. I'm hoping that she posts some more pictures on her blog - thanks to Ashley/Logan and the hardworking chefs of Chicago for the best weekend ever!