Thursday, February 18, 2010


Merry Christmas! This picture probably would have been more appropriate say in, I don't know, December, but nonetheless here is our Christmas rundown. Twas the night before Christmas and not a happy boy was to be found. Granted, the boys aren't smiling in this picture but it's the only one that they're all looking at the camera. They were much more excited for Christmas than this. Promise. And note the matching Christmas eve pajamas.
Now it's Christmas morning and there's the smile. This is too funny to me because of all the things that Santa and Mom/Dad/Nana/Papa brought, this is what Colt gets excited about. Look Mom! Candy!

A book!

Fast forward to 3 days later and we celebrated Colt's 4th birthday. My little man is growing up and I love him to pieces. Bet you can't tell what the theme was. He's been asking for a Spiderman birthday since well, his last birthday, and he never wavered. Oh and look at the cake I made! Just kidding, I'm a lame mom who buys the birthday cake.

I didn't make the cake but I won't shy away from hoisting all 40 pounds of this boy up to blow out his candles.

The big present. Now there's a reaction over something worth smiling about.

What happens when it's not your bike, your party or your birthday.

He's off! Colt really started to get the hang of this while we were down in Texas. The bike is on sabbatical while we wait for Chicago to get above freezing. Here's some of the other things we did while deep in the heart of Texas.

Eat with our Batman mask on. Nana not only allows stuff like this at her dinner table, she encourages it.

Bowling! I think it's safe to say that Evan and I stunk it up. I'm pretty sure my 4 year old got a better score than me.

Raquetball. Many hours were spent on the court though I didn't make it out this trip. I was too busy stuffing my face with Tex/Mex food and Shipley's donuts. I also don't have the best record with a raquet. I tend to hit myself as opposed to the ball.

Swinging. At the park. Wearing short sleeve shirts. Look at that sky! This is the reason I decided for about a month to forget that I live in Chicago and pretend that I live in a place where you can wear shorts in December. Which is also why I wasn't in the same state as Evan when he celebrated his 30th birthday. We did throw him a little surprise party down in Texas before he left, but luckily we have some friends who took care of him on the actual day.

They fed him, made him a cake, and made sure that he actually recognized the day. Evan was a little hesitant to acknowledge the whole 30 thing. I love this man. He's the best guy I know and an even better dad. I think it's safe to say that I lucked out 5+ years ago.
The latest news for us is that we're saying goodbye to the apartment life (no tears shed here) and saying hello to a house! We bought a house and move next week. Hopefully this turns out better for us than Colorado did. My mom and sis make their way here on Tuesday and I'm beside myself that they're coming to help. Especially since I haven't packed a thing. What can I say - I work better under pressure.


Ashley said...

LOVE your Christmas update. You're rubbing off on me. ;) haha. I think, Hey, at least I got my CHristmas post in before Christmas 2010. How sad blogging is becoming a chore, and just one more thing nagging me on my to do list.

So funny though that we used similiar but different pics. And whatever, I totally loved that SPiderman cake. I'm feeling no motivation right now and would like my very own personal spiderman cake. That thing was GOOD.

AND : Truly laughed out loud, alone, in my apartment, when I read that you hit yourself with the raquet instead of the ball. Oh too funny.

Yea for Tuesday. I'm planning on making Cinnamon Buns, not ROlls, Pioneer Woman Style (logan makes fun of me that I say buns). I told mom just a few minutes ago on the phone" We should totally make those next week" She said, and I quote, "Sure, you go ahead and do that." Love her.

And love that i'm writing a long comment on your blog, like I'm actually talking to you. Fabulous.

Lindsey said...

Congrats on the move. Can't wait to see pictures. Happy to hear your mom and sister are coming. It's nice that you've seen your family so much.

chanel said...

ok, you might not be the most athletic (the hitting yourself is hilarious) but girl you are lookin HOT in that bowling picture! seriously you and evan look like total studs!!!! i guess you can eat tx style when you work out, dang, im just saying.
and the spiderman cake/party looks amazing!!!! maybe colt can teach my girls to ride a bike while we're there, they're sort of lame in that department.
caders is just precious!!! sad nonbirthday boy!!!!
so happy to see new posts!!!!

Kerri said...

*A) Hey, you actually posted the Christmas pic...I figured it got too late for me, so I hadn't even attempted it...maybe it's time to revamp and post those adorable kids with Santa pics afterall...thanks for the courage
*B) AWESOME birthday party!!!!! You gave him JUST what he wanted, and he'll keep talking about it until NEXT year. Fantastic!
*C) the bike does NOT have to be on a Chicago native with an active bike rider, we have found many a ways to ride the bike during the winter. --our garage--the church gym; in fact, we just did in WI.
*D) I'm an awful bowler...a glorious racquetballer...we're a good team that NEEDS TO PLAN THIS DOUBLE DATE!
*E) I'm your shoulder to cry on about the shorts in would be nice...there IS an indoor pool we could peruse.
*F) Sorry we dropped the ball, Evan. We still think you are great!
*G) I so Ashley's making Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls...what time should I be over? If that's the "Thank You" treat for the EQ, I'm coming over instead; screw the men's muscles.

Genevre said...

I love who your personality comes out in your should write a book! I know in all your spare time right?!? Thanks for the updates, I love reading about you guys.

Anna said...

Congrats on the house! I can't wait to see some pictures.

Cristy said...

Good luck moving this week!!!! So glad you are getting some help (and a little girl time too!) Loved the update and your boys are so cute. I just know they would get along so well with my own little motley crew... :)

RandomJonesThoughts said...

Adorable pictures of the boys!
Bryant had a ton of fun helping Evan with the engine. I'm glad he was able to help out.
Enjoy your new home! That's awesome.

Christy said...

Your boys are so cute.

Rach said...

I'm so excited for you to be moving, and even more excited that your mom and Ashley are coming to help out- that will be sooo nice.
I hope everything goes well with the move!

Anonymous said...

Awww this makes me miss you!!! SUCH great pics... And that Texas sky...totally felt like home, through a computer. Ahh I miss it.

You look great, by the way...!

Julia said...

Hahaha love the comment and pic with Cade crying when it's not your party, bike, or birthday...poor kid!
Love the matching PJs...I love stuff like that. And I buy store bought cakes too and don't feel bad about it one bit..I think his party looks really cute. Thanks for the compliments about my girls...that made my day! Wish we could get our kids together one of these days. ;)

Jordan and Jodi said...

YEA HOUSE! I wouldn't shed a tear either...after how many years of it for us! :) When I posted my Christmas pictures I 'back-posted' the date so I guess some people never got to see them unless they are mindless searching our blog all day! I glad you have a great mom and sister to come help you! Send them down to me in about 12 weeks when we move again...yes, who's counting?

Melanie said...

A house - how exciting! I could use a Texas or California sabbatical right now. I've hit the winter wall.

Kelley Flint said...

Yea for a house. Good luck with the moving. And yea for your mom and Ashley coming to help. Can't wait to see pictures.

Darling pictures from christmas. You're beautiful.

Natalie N said...

Hey you! Love the update! I was just working on my Christmas update too, but had to take a break and check up on other blogs. Hopefully I'll finish tonight. ;)

I think of you guys each time I see the winter storm/ice/snow warnings in the Chicago area. I'm so glad to hear that you took some time to enjoy a sunny Texas vacation.

Good luck with the upcoming move, and CONGRATS on getting a home!! What exciting news!!


The Piersons said...

Okay so how i missed this post 2 weeks ago, I'm just not sure but let me tell you that I am loving every word of it. I can't believe you were in Texas for a whole month!! I didn't know you were going down for that long. I would've come and seen you, I'm so upset.

I love the Christmas pictures and the matching pajamas and that little Gavin doesn't seem to look like your boys. Its like hm... which one is Ashley's baby.

I'm so glad you had such a good trip and soaked up Texas. And Evan is 30, I can't believe it.

Okay and a house!! That is so exciting, I can't wait to see pictures.

So do you think this comment is long enough??

Ladybug said...

Yeah! You blogged! I love the pictures and the write up-- so funny as always. And the cake was totally kick-booty-- no shame in that!! Can't believe how big the boys are! I think I might have to come out and visit again this year-- they are too cute to resist.
Major congrats on the new house!! I was eating girl scout cookies the other day & thought of you. Hope you managed to get you fix this year!
Much love to you all!

chris+amber said...

CONGRATS on getting a house! I can't wait to see pictures of it. I can't believe Colt is FOUR! Weren't our boys just babies?! Tate would be so envious of the Spiderman party that Colt got to have. The cake was amazing! What a fun mom you are. I miss you. I hope we can find a date to get together soon!

Jordan and Jodi said...

Ok I understand you are probably totally busy with decorating and unpacking but your readers want to know....what's the house look like? How have you been?!! Update when you get a chance!