Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year

And all that stuff. Here are the boys, plus our neighbor friend across the street, with the snowman they built before Christmas. The picture isn't the best quality since Evan's camera phone is just not meant for nighttime, but you get the idea. I stayed inside where it was warm giving all sorts of moral support and thanking my lucky stars that I have a husband willing to brave the snow for me. I'm a wimp, plain and simple. A few days after this we left for Cali to celebrate Christmas with Evan's fam and I excitedly packed flip flops and short sleeve shirts cuz who needs a jacket in the land of surf and sun? Apparently we do. My flip flops stayed packed and we came home to melted Mr. Snowman cause you know...Chicago decided to warm up while we were gone.

I have all sorts of pictures (or should I say Evan's sister has all sorts of pictures) that I'm hoping to steal and share of Christmas and a couple of birthdays we celebrated. Evan and Colt are both a year older and oh so much wiser. Evan's trying to forget the older thing and not a day goes by without Colt reminding us he's five and now meets the age requirement for kindergarten.

A few random thoughts:

- Yesterday Cade was upstairs calling my name looking for me. I was doing something in the kitchen and didn't answer right away and heard Cade yell, "Mama? You on da potty?" What?? Am I in there a lot or something? Is that where my kids think I hang out? Can't find Mom? No problem. She's just catching some down time on the potty.

- Why am I still killing spiders inside my house? If our frigid temps can't pick these things off, nothing can. And here I thought that winter's one redeeming quality was getting rid of the insect population. I'm pretty sure that if a Chicago winter can't do it, nothing can. I want to move south where there's bugs (big ones too) but at least I'd be warm.

- Word on the street is that girl scout cookies are for sale. Where are the girl scouts when you really need them? Isn't anyone a girl scout anymore? I'm this close to sticking Colt in the local troop just to get my fix. With winter at its peak, the sky getting dark at what feels like noon, and me wearing my ski jacket around the house to stay warm, I need a Samoa stat. Better make that a box.


Cristy said...

You need to get on facebook, that's how the girl scouts track you down these days! :)

And look at you traveling holiday family! You got to go to Texas and Cali! Way to troop Mom.

Wish we lived closer. I was just thinking that we should set Colt and Natalie up on a date someday, you know, at BYU when Colt gets back from his mission....

RAPN! said...

HAHA! :) Glad you had a good holiday! So sad about the melted snowman. I'm a wimp for the cold too. I am going to Utah in a week and I am stressed out because I only own two sweaters! What is a girl to do?
Ne how,
my Brooklyn is selling girl scout cookies! I will ship them to you if nobody shows up at your door! :) Let me know!

Melanie said...

Did you just say that you want to be around bugs?! I get it though; I'd put up with a lot for warmer temperatures.

Girl scouts never come knocking these days. Probably too many psychos out there. The cookies are expensive too. I found a recipe for Samoas last year, and they turned out really well: http://mel-bel.blogspot.com/2009/08/best-things-since-sliced-bread.html

Ashley said...

funny funny funny. I of course imagined Cade saying that in his deep voice and laughed even harder. Love those two boys - and hello, mom is coming out next week?? WIsh I could just stuff myself inside her luggage ;) Cute snowman, even if he is melted. And EW about the bugs - that's one of the many reasons I need 4 seasons, to kill them off.

Did you get a date night this weekend? Call me sometime K?

chanel said...

oh my gosh, you are the funniest woman ever! I LOOOOVE YOU! i think its really funny cade says, "on the potty" instead of "in the bathroom" you have a REAL MAN on your hands! ;)

GIRL SCOUTS UNITE! Where are these LAZY girls???? Just like the stinking boy scouts, they're good for NOTHING!

Jordan and Jodi said...

Oh lady, you crack me up! I LOVE reading your blog! It is just what I needed today--a laugh from Rebecca! Potty, spiders, and Colt becoming a girl scout--I LOVE IT! Hey, what is again that we live only 2-ish hours away from each other and we haven't seen each other? Let's do something about that! My husband is leaving the first week of Feb for a week...I could hop on up there and stay in a newby hotel! Let me know what you think! It'd be great hang out again!

chris+amber said...

HA HA! I really miss you, Rebecca! I love being able to get a little "Rebecca fix" from your blog. Your blog is seriously one of the very few that makes me laugh out loud. Good to see you doing so good! :o)

Ladybug said...

Thanks for the update on the kiddos. So funny and so sad about the Chicago heat wave you had to miss while you were experiencing the CA cold snap. One of the moms in primary emailed us that here daughter is selling the cookies ($4 for like 10 cookies). Maybe that's how they are doing it now. If you want me to order you some & ship them, lemme know. Miss you!! Will have to come out & visit so I can get more facetime with the awesome E + R clan. Much love, cj

Genevre said...

I can't eat samoas anymore because I will really eat the entire box...is it me or are they smaller then before? Your otty remarke made me laugh because my mom was always in there! Later she told me that she would go in the bathroom and lock the door to when she needed some time to herself. I have had to do it a few times myself :)

Natalie N said...

Oh Rebecca! I think of you each time I hear about a winter storm blowing through Chicago! I hope you guys are staying warm and that spring comes early for you guys this year. :) The boys did a great job on that snowman; my kids are definitely jealous!