Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Been baking again

Another baby, that is. Baby Jones #3 is scheduled to make his/her arrival on (or better yet before, please let it be before!) August 12th. I think this is where I'm supposed to have scanned in a picture of the ultrasound, but that would mean that I actually know how to use our scanner and since that's just silly, you'll have to take my word for it.

We have the "big" ultrasound scheduled in two weeks and I'm counting down the days. Evan had the audacity to say that it would be "fun to think of another boy's name." He actually said that. I don't know what memories he's thinking of, but if it is a boy and we have to agree on a name, "fun" isn't the word that comes to mind. When we told the kids, Colt was adamant that this baby be a girl and Cade demanded a brother. Good news is it's got to be one or the other so I'm bound to make someone happy. Oh and Cade also requested we name his new brother, "Do-d0." Someone might or might not be harboring more reservations about this bambino than we thought.

The other good news is I'm finally headed out of the sick phase...I think. While I've been sick, I think it's safe to say I haven't been nominated for any Mother of the Year awards. A few weeks back, I was so sick I let the boys run wild in the house. I came downstairs to find the boys chain watching Harry Potter and an empty box (that once was full) of fruit snacks on the floor. Colt is still asking me for a wand. I've found though that I don't get as sick if I don't eat anything sweet. Apparently this baby doesn't know his/her mama. With the boys I ate a steady diet of frozen taquitos and donuts and this baby wants granola and fruit. What?!? So for now, my boxes of girl scout cookies sit untouched in my freezer. I hear they make a great post-delivery snack.


Kelley Flint said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to find out what you're having. So glad you're feeling better. That is the worst part of pregnancy. And who cares about the "mother of the year" while you can hardly get off the couch. It takes a lot of work to bake another baby.

Ashley said...

YEA!!! I still think it's a girl - and I can't wait to find out!!! I'm glad you're finally feeling better and that you're having another cute Jones baby. Named do-do or Anna by Colt. Did you hear him tell me that on the phone today? Most gruwl's are named anna! haha

Love you!Congrats again.

RAPN! said...

Congratulations! KK was my daughter that I craved squash. I didn't care for sweets when I was pregnant with her. Now, she is my sugar child...she loves her carbs and sweets! HAHA
Congratulations on number 3! Let the fun begin :)

Cristy said...

Glad it's getting easier. Or is it? :)

Glad the non-sugar diet is helping. Unfortunately it helps me too, hardest thing ever!! Evan needs to seriously pack those cookies in your over night hospital bag...

Fingers crossed!

Genevre said...

Yeah! I am so excited for you. You two are such great parents! I am glad you are feeling better. I also couldn't do sugar at first, but now with 8 weeks to go I am eating brownies for don't worry keep the cookies close at hand.

Kerri said...

I'm tellin you, it was the same for me = "no sweets" with alana, and i had dry eyes, too -- dry eyes! as if that's a symptom to brag about, but i did recognize i hadn't had that with the other two. not getting hopes up. just happy the jones legacy continues as awesome as you all -- oops, y'all--are.

Lindsey said...

Let me know how the baby naming goes. I hope you get to pick a girls name! I couldn't eat sweets either. Hmmm, maybe it is a girl!! I've got a stash of girl clothes to send your way if it is ;)

Rach said...

Congrats again! I can't wait for your fun appointment. Eat a candy bar before, anyway, just to make sure he/she moves around for the ultrasound! :-)

chanel said...

Although this kid is going straight to time out is SHE doesn't knock off the no sugar deal!!! Them cookies will be fabulous no matter when they're consumed.
And I think Cade has his Dad's naming issues- seriously.
Boy/Girl doesn't matter and I KNOW you KNOW that, just can't wait till the little miracle is in your arms covered in tears from all your joy!!

Ladybug said...

YEAH FOR BABY! Of course I'm so excited. And for a boy name, may I humbly suggest CJ just in case? Just kidding!
That's rotten about the no sugar thing. I'll be hoping that calms down so you can enjoy your cookies before August. But thanks to freezers they will still be deliciously delectable then. I heart technology!! Bake well!!

Julia said...

YAY! Soooo happy for you!!! Love that we are semi on the same kid track. Glad to hear you're feeling better...funny about the boys watching HP with all the empty fruit snacks...all moms can relate!
I'll be checking the blog for the big gender announcement!!
Congrats again!!

Heathr27 said...

I am so EXCITED!!! Yeah for my fourth nephew/niece :) I'm glad your not as sick and we can eat mint brownies together soon :) and I am not only excited to have this new baby and see it but it couldn't come at a better time. Really.


Lindsay said...

Congrats! I will cross my fingers for a girl but fair warning...once they come, it is all drama!

Christy said...

Congrats!! I am really excited for you guys. I am hoping you have a little girl but that is just me:)

Berly said...

Congrats!!! Exited for you guys

The Piersons said...

Oh I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better, that will be so nice. I have fully accepted that I am going to feel bad this whole pregnancy, oh well, at least its more than half way over.
I am dying to find out what you are having and I have definitely had to stay away from sweets too. Of course, I still find myself indulging sometimes but I always pay for it. So hopefully this means girl for you guys too. :)

Nolo and Lauren said...


Heather O said...

Congratulations! I hope you are still feeling good and you should know the gender now, right? Can't wait to hear!

Jewelle said...

I can't believe I missed reading this! Congrats on the upcoming little one! Good to here that you are past the sick phase! Those girl scout cookies can be your little secret "mommy-is-going-crazy-she-needs-to-shut-herself-in-the-bathroom" stash. You'll need it with three kiddos. Just teasin' three isn't bad just an adjustment! Congrats again!

Jordan and Jodi said...

CONGRATS! Race is on....I'm due August 15th with girl #3! Sweet! I was so happy to see you are pregnant again, sorry it is during a wedding, totally understanding you--we will have to miss my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's sealing because I'm high risk and can't travel during that time. You and I are good planners! Miss ya--J