Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Party Time!

This guy turned six on December 28th, and for the first time ever (we are soooo behind) had a friend birthday party! We've always been traveling for his birthday and with him having a Christmas birthday and all, it's sort of rough to try and schedule things (as my sis Ash will attest to). This year, however, we got it together and threw one for him in January.

We decided to have it at Chuck-E-Cheese's which totally works if:

a) you're not creative at all (me!)
b) the thought of 10 six year old boys running around your house because you can't let them outside in the dead of winter scares you to death (me again!)
c) your sweet little boy has been begging and pleading for Chuck E. to make his birthday dreams come true (you guessed it, me!)

All in all, a successful day where Colton had a great time with his friends. I know it's cliche, but I can't believe how fast he's growing up. He's such a sensitive, sweet boy who worships his dad, is a big helper for me, and loves his sister and brother (most days) more than anything. I love him and am so grateful he's mine.


Ashley said...

Gavin is sitting here with me telling me he wants to come to Colton's birthday party. So fun and LOVE the pics and love that colt felt so loved and spoiled. If only you had captured his "smile". You know the one I'm talking about. And I love little caders on the very end of the table. So cute. Yea for Chuck-e-cheese and providing entertainment and an atmosphere so you didn't have to stress as much ;) (now gavin is crying saying: I wanna go to my birthday party. nice.)

chanel said...

you definitely win mother of the year. you're soooo fun and NICE!! do you know i have brain washed my children into thinking Chucksters is nothing but a "pink eye infested poopy germ hole". nice. they have never even been inside one and when Mr. Cheese comes on to endorse one of the PBS shows they're all, "that is that germy mouse place huh mom?"
yes, yes it is.
my children are so not growing up normal.
and i would probably do whatever it took if 10 little boys were coming to my house for a party too- we don't have to worry about such things, since we have no friends.
happy birthday colt- and im LOVING his stylin hair!!!