Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Summer Update

I was really looking forward to this summer.  What with me not being pregnant with ankles the size of my thighs and Evan taking a nice, long break from school, I was giddy with thoughts of summer bliss. Now for the reality check.  Since Colton went to all day kindergarten pretty much as soon as I had Delaney, this summer was the first time I'd had both boys home all the live long day.  Let it be written that we've seen our fair share of havoc and some serious, costly destruction.  Factor in Evan being the busiest he's ever been in his career and there went my scrapbook moments.  Of course, there have been good times this summer, even great ones, so here's a little recap of some of them.

I was expecting my birthday to be a pretty normal day.  Changing diapers, making lunches, gorging on cake and ice cream.  Evan pulled through though and planned a great date to the city.  I've been telling him for a couple of years that I want to take an architectural tour of the city.  Here we are on the boat ride getting an awesome view of the Sears Tower (I know it's the Willis now but it will forever live on as the Sears Tower in my heart).  The tour was just as good as I thought it'd be and double bonus points for Evan proving once again that he really does listen when I talk.  We capped the day off with dinner on Michigan Avenue and a cookie cake all for me. 

Well...a cookie cake all for me and these three hooligans.  A successful 31st birthday that I got to share with my favorite people.

We celebrated the 4th with some steak and ribs.  How's that for ringing in Independence Day Texas style, not to mention my patriotic cake.

Going to the pool with this girl.  Oh melt my heart, I can't handle it.  I think I might have kissed Delaney 5,349 times this night.  Her chunky thighs in her pink swimsuit with that hat is something I always want to remember.  I love her too stinking much.

T-ball with Colton.  This picture pretty much sums up the season.  He was beyond excited every time he had a game and loves that trophy something fierce.  Also, take a moment if you will and compare this grass to the stuff in Cade's bday pics.  Hello, drought!  And hello, awesome mom and siblings sitting in the 100 degree weather watching Colt play!

Finally, a picture of this sweet little lady because that bottom is just too darn much and this blog can't have too many pictures of her.


Ashley said...

Delaneys face in your bday cake pic Cracks me up. She is either enamored by you, or loving the chaos of her brothers- probably both!!! And your cake looks totally delish. We should celebrate the sky being blue and get one and share it while you're here. I heart great american cookie cake! And you look seriously gorgeous in that pic. Yeah for your bday, Evans bday planning skills and splurging on bottled water, :), and your updates. So excited to see y'all in 4 days!!!

chanel said...

um, my stomach in in my throat. I SUCK! I SUCK SO BAD! I AM HORRIFICALLY ASHAMED OF MYSELF AND RIDICULOUSLY EMBARRASSED! Rebecca JOnes, I forgot your birthday. I am a low life sucka. How do you stay my friend?!?
I am soooooo sorry!!!! You are so good at remembering birthdays and I am so not. I will make it up to you- PROMISE!

It looks like you had a super cool day- an architectural tour?!? So fancy! I LOVE it!! And your cookie cake is heaven. Check out how excited your girlfriend is too! Cutest picture ever!! Well I don't know her bum sure is adorable too!!

And Colton! HILARIOUS! That is so him, you captured him perfectly! What a WONDERFUL mom you are doing t-ball! Have I told you how much I am pro baseball as a sport for boys? Can't wait for B's turn.

Longest comment ever- but you're gone and I can't tell you HOW MISERABLE I AM over your birthday. Or how elated I am over Delaney's pictures, she is just darling!! Or how AMAZING you are to run your 1/2!! And I think your plan of losing the baby weight MORE than was accomplished you're the skinniest girl EVER! Absolutely tiny!! You earned it too- cause that 1/2 is INTENSE especially with the heat- you're my hero!!

Ok- I am going to go repent now and try to be a better friend! love ya!

chanel said...

ok a few more things- your 4th cake is THE BOMB! You are too cute!! we HAVE to live by each other again, I can't handle how awesome you are!! and colton looks like he's wearing an eye patch in your bday cookie picture, it makes me laugh!

Genevre said...

Glad you had a great birthday and 4th - your cake looks yummy and beautiful. Your kids are really growing up fast. Love Delaney in her little outfit, so adorable!

Ashley said...

Aww.. Viv's best friend! Delaney is just beautiful! And I love that booty shot:) we miss you guys!! Hope all is well.

The Piersons said...

LOVE your cute kiddos and love your blog posts. Seriously, I feel like I could laugh and reach my hands into the screen and give Delaney like at least 1,000 kisses! I am so excited to be where your family is so you are obligated to let me spent time with your family when you come to visit. I saw Ashley and it was so fun!