Monday, April 21, 2008

Help Wanted

The battle lines are drawn in our house. The name game war is definitely at full throttle people. We have less than 2 weeks to decide on Junior's name (it's official - I'm getting induced a week early. We had an ultrasound last week and it seems that this baby got Evan's "larger than average" sized head and the doc thinks it appropriate to not risk me trying to birth a watermelon).
Let me preface this post by saying that Evan puts up with me ... very well. He is generally easy going, mellow, even passive at times. But when it comes to naming his sons, he unfortunately puts up a very impressive fight. With Colt, I knew from the beginning that my favorite name was out. So there was no hope, no fight in me. Now, two weeks before delivery I find out that my favorite name is out? What?! I told him last night that he had put hope into my heart and now was ripping my heart out of my chest. One might say I can be dramatic at times. Still I got my point across. With that said, I need suggestions! I need to prepare for the possibility that even after watching his beloved wife labor and bring forth another son, Evan might remain impassive and refuse me my favorite name.

So please, if you have suggestions, pass them my way! Evan's favorite right now is Callis which I might add is NOT happening. Here is a time where my foot is absolutely planted in cement.

On another note, I have been quilting today! Or should I say, Chanel has been patiently trying to teach this perfectionist how to cut squares. I can be awfully slow. But when the finished product is done, I will post pictures. So my bathrooms aren't clean, no hospital bag is packed, and the carseat is not installed BUT this baby will have a darn cute quilt!


Melanie said...

I can remember you saying you wanted a little girl named Delaney, but I can't remember any of the boys names you liked. Cristin, at Tales from an Ordinary Housewife is having the same battle right now. She even had a post where all of her readers wrote in with name suggestions. You can link to her from my blog.

Erin said...

Boy names are so hard! So does this mean that Sawyer and Wyatt are out? I hope not! Sawyer is one of my personal favorites and Wyatt is really cute too! What about a compromise on Callis. Something like Callin?

You can always do what my mom did, and NOT name the baby for 2 WEEKS! She held out long enough and my dad finally gave in. Not very nice, but a true story! Needless to say, my mom got her way and named my little brother Landon! (Good thing because my dad was holding out for ROCCO!)

Good Luck! We've used our favorite girl and boy name- so #3 is going to be really hard for us too. I can't believe just 2 more weeks. That is so exciting and is going to come so fast. From personal experience you better get a bag packed girl!

Let me know if I can watch Colt for a few hours. Benson would LOVE a friend!

Genevre said...

I vote for Sawyer...please not Callis the boy will be made fun of his whole life. Good luck, I am so excited for you!

Julia said...

From your other comments, it looks like Sawyer is on your list and that is a VERY cute name! Names we like are Wesley, Tucker, and Jack. I agree on the not being a fan of keep that foot down, girl! :) Exciting that you are soo close to having that new little baby in your home.

Ashley said...

I can't believe Sawyer's out. And Evan's kidding about callis right? Please please tell me you're joking. He can't really want that, who would really want that?

Cristy said...

I will hunt Evan down and kick him in the knee if you name your son after something that happens to my feet when I weigh like an Elephant while being pregnant! Sawyer is a HOT name! Not sure why Evan has ruled that one out... My advice is just be the first one to fill out the birth certificate. ;)

And quilting!?! Way to go domestic diva! Surely I thought our friendship quilt days would be the end of ALL our careers as quilters! Yikes! ;)

Rach said...

My friend Kristi is having a boy and a name on her list I love is Emerson - I've never heard it before, but think it's super cute. I know you like more unique names, & some I like are Jonah, Gabriel (Gabe), & Aiden.

The Piersons said...

What is up with this Evan character? Has he forgotten who is carrying this child and giving birth to this child?? :)
I know you like unique names so my list wouldn't help at all but I also like Ethan and Noah and Sawyer. No Callis, that could cause for some rough junior high years.

chanel said...

tell el Presidente, his rein ends at the front door. I could be such an asset to this delievery in sooo many ways, like distracting Honey Dog while you fill out the birth certificate...hmmm?? I rock!
Sawyer is going to be the baby's name, Evan has given you too much hope, and he better be nice to you, geez as if BIRTHING his son isn't enough? He's got nerve.

Ladybug said...

Will it help if Evan's family gangs up on him? I really don't like Callis and Sawyer is totally growing on me. I'll write up a list of my favorites and send you an email. If that doesn't work, I'm with Chanel-- get him distracted while you fill out the birth certificate. Of course, that might backfire when he blesses the baby....

Bethany said...

I like the name Ace. I probably won't be having more so feel free to use it if it doesn't totally repulse you (as it did my mom).

Kelley Flint said...

Good luck. Sawyer is really cute. I do like Wyatt too. No on Callis - where did he get that? I can't believe only two more weeks and you'll have two boys. So exciting. Hopefully one day I'll get to meet them.

Natalie N said...

Don't worry! Tyler and I told different nurses in the hospital about 5 different names for our third. So one nurse would come in and say, "Is this ___?" No, we'd reply, she's ____. Then the clock would chime and we'd change her name again. We were only in the hospital 20 hours after delivery, but in the 18th hour, we decided and filled out the birth certificate. There's nothing like the last minute!! :)

I agree with your friends... boy names are hard! Sorry Evan, but Callis sounds like something annoying on the side of your foot or finger, not a newborn babe's name! I'm on your side, Rebecca. From what I'm gathering, Sawyer is on your list?! LOVE IT. Our friends from dental school named their boy that, and I had never heard it before. They have a hundred nicknames for him, and it's just the cutest name ever! That name gets two thumbs up from us!!

Good luck with your quilt. You're the woman! I can't wait to see it. Cristy--I'm still laughing that you brought up the friendship quilts! too funny.

John said...
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Maria said...

Callis??? What kind of name is that?? I am voting on your side Reb!

Ashley said...

Oh I like Rach's suggestion of Noah. But you can't use that, because I like it. =). Emerson is a cool name too. And Chanel's comment cracked me up about Evan....Honey Dog? Oh i like her!

Guess what? Almost a week until he makes his arrival!