Wednesday, April 09, 2008

How we watch conference...

Or should I say how Colt watches Conference? He had to have his own little alcove underneath the computer desk the whole weekend. I thought it was too funny and of course (as the biased parent that I am) way too cute. Conference was wonderful and I was way too thrilled to hear the talk from Elder Ballard that was specifically for young mothers. LOVED it!
This past Friday night I had plans to go out with Chanel and Kristen to dinner. When we showed up at Kristen's house to pick her up, I was totally shocked to find a surprise baby shower instead. I even blushed. I just have to say how touched I was at all the work Chanel and Kristen did to put it together and for all the people who came! Thanks again girls! I was also impressed by the smooth lying abilities of Evan and Chanel. I am obviously a very trusting person because I ate up every single one.
Speaking of eating - I bought some chocolate Teddy Grahams today at the store "for Colton." If anyone has any ideas on how I can stop eating these things, that would be wonderful. Especially because Evan and I are now topping the scales at the exact same weight. Still I somehow seem to feel no shame and can't seem to get myself to stop eating these devil bears.


Julia said...

haha those are the cutest pictures! looks like how we were around here too. and that is SO great about your surprise shower! you have some awesome friends.

chris+amber said...

Colt kills me. He is so stinkin' cute! Your friends are so sweet to throw you a shower. I hope you got some pictures! As for those Chocolate Teddy Graham crackers, I'd offer some advice, but I can't stop eating Sonic's ice either! Funny how random our pregnancy cravings can be!

Ladybug said...

Love, love, love the pictures of Colton! One of my favorite ways to watch conference too (except maybe for being under the desk). Miss him already.
Three cheers for Chanel & Kristen!! That's wonderful of them. Now #2 boy will have all kinds of special things just for him.
Good luck on the Teddy Grahams. Maybe the kid is just burning those calories up inside!
Take care!

Rach said...

I love that you called the teddy grahams devil reminded me of devil's mix. Those were good days, huh? haha. Colt is so cute- he definitely got more out of conference than Lucy!

Cristy said...

Sorry, I only have more suggestions on how TO eat the bears (like with ice cream...) Yay for a baby shower! How cool that you have good friends to do that. I hope you know how special you are! And yes, conference was great, and yes, when elder Ballard said that his talk was for young mothers I started bawling before he even said anything!

Unknown said...

omg wait 'til you try the mini 'nilla wafers....i'm so addicted....

the shower was super fun! we were going to try to surprise you earlier when you came for visiting teaching but it was too soon...but the friday night thing was so way better....i can't remember the last time i was out until 11 pm without nate or without kids....what a blast!

those pics of colt are too cute....he's going to be a great big bro....

Bethany said...

Sometimes, by the Sunday afternoon session, I feel like crawling under some furnishings, too. Don't tell anyone, though.

Jewelle said...

Just a little hint to who I am. My husband Russell and Evan are cousins. I don't think we have met, but Russ likes to keep in touch with Evan. You will have to ask him about Russell. He is the one who gave us your blog address. With that said, all I can suggest on the Teddy Grahms is to have Evan hide them and let him give some Colt. I hate those pregnancy urges to eat the kids snacks!

Natalie N said...

"devil bears" - you make me laugh so hard!

How cute that Colt would even sit still for conference! And no, you're not biased--he IS adorable! The second Elder Ballard started talking about how he took over the household duties for his wife I told Tyler, "This is the best conference talk ever--hands down." I just felt like I could relate all too well.

That surprise shower your friends threw for you sounded so great. What a fun network of friends you have out there in CO. Wait a sec, if you're having a shower, then this baby must be right around the corner?! Good luck! :)

Maria said...

Great pictures! Colton is a cutie!
Teddy Grahams huh?? We are obsessed with the animal crackers! They are addicting!

The Piersons said...

No advice on the Teddy Graham addiction, except have you tried the cookie and cream ones?? Yum!

Thanks for the pictures of Colt, so funny because that is the exact same way I watch General Conference. :)

Ashley said...

Colton is adorable tired. I liked Ballard's talk and I'm not even a young mom! And about the teddy grahams, bottom line don't stop eating them b/c they're just that good! I fell in love with Goldfish & Teddy Grahams all over again when watching my friend's toddler a few weeks ago. Now if only I could decide what my favorite flavor was.