Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Valentines Pictures (Belated as always)

Yea for Evan! As one might gather from the previous post, Evan remembered Valentines Day. Remembered it and celebrated it. He did good - to put it mildly. Some flowers, some chocolate (DEFINITELY a good idea for the pregnant woman), a blog post, a night of bowling and a steakhouse. Another good idea for this Texan meat lovin' woman. Evan made sure to take a picture of me to post on the blog so here it is. Also, my first picture of me this pregnancy (this is for you Chanel). Only 10 weeks to go until baby #2 makes his arrival. I talked to my friend Rach who just welcomed her second and I don't know why but it scared me! I know that I've done this before but I'm having serious confidence issues on getting a human bowling ball (ha, ha) out of me. As an epidural lover, labor doesn't make me break into a sweat but pushing - I think I'm perspiring as I type. All I know is that Colt didn't get here easily and my doctor informed me that second children (especially if you have the same gender which is tend to be larger than the 1st. I need a serious confidence boost. Either way, he's gonna get here and I'm so looking forward to meeting him. Now if I could just convince Evan that Ernest is not an appropriate name for this child (not a joke folks...)

On another note, I've spent the last week here in Texas and am loving the weather! It will kill me to leave the 70 degree days. I even brought my capris. Mind you, they're not maternity and when I couldn't make them go past my thighs I decided it would have to be the thought that counts.

One more thing - I need to vent. Why is it when I take my child to a playground, library storytime, etc. that I always end up parenting someone else's child? Not because I want to. But because there's alway one kid pushing, shoving, hitting my child while the bully's mom is sitting there, oblivious, reading a magazine!?! Since when is it my job to stop your child from terrorizing others? Stop reading your magazine and be a mother, woman! I'm stepping off my soapbox for now.

Last but not least, Evan's pregnant picture. I could not make the man take a normal picture so I'm posting this in hopes that I might have a more convincing argument next time...


Cristy said...

Ah ha ha ha ha!!!!!! OK, first of all, you look barely pregnant, not even exaggerating! I can't believe you only (only... yea I know it feels like forever to you) have 10 weeks left! That is what I look like at four months!

And by the way, Evan, how cute are you pregnant!? Nice. (Oh, and way to go for keeping my friend happy. Nice job on V Day.)

As for being in Texas, GRrrrrrr.... wish I were there! I'll try to call you soon. Don't worry about the second kid (ha) I promise it is easier!

Julia said...

you are such a cute pregnant woman!! what a fun date. i think it must be warmer in SA than in Houston..i'm freezing!

Kelley Flint said...

You look so good. Seriously! And yea for Texas. As I sit in PA in 20 degree weather, I can't wait to go down to San Antonio next week for a few days of warmth.

Ashley said...

Oh you look seriously gorgeous in this picture!! For real..GREAT pic of you! And you layered the black shirt!! YEA for layering!!

I REALLY like it when you update your blog!! REALLY.
Smootchies!! (can you hear Logan saying that? haha)

Rach said...

I'm glad you had such a fun V-Day- good job, Evan! You look GREAT- sorry I made you feel nervous! No need to be scared- #2 labor was tons easier than #1- and the same goes for the recovery! You'll do great.

chris+amber said...

Evan is the man! :o) You look fabulous. I'm jealous. You look barely pregnant! I think Halleigh was easier to push out and she was 2.5 lbs. bigger than Addi! You'll do fine. :o)

chanel said...

Well I think you look way pregannt, all nice and round, I LOVE IT! THANK YOU!!! Now you need to take a shirts off picture- capture that belly baby! (you don't have to post it though, even I have some restraint) :)

ANd Ev, totally hot prego guy! He's so funny!

Ummm, Lauren was a pound a half LIGHTER than Julia, adn since you've seen the birth you know the second time is WAY easier! You're gonna do great- especially if Im there cheering you on!!! hint hint!..even if I have to wait in the hallway like a not best friend or something.
Ernest- everytime I saw him I'd have to say Ernest Goes To Camp, as if "Goes To Camp" were his middle name- he'll be thanking you FORVER when he finds out what torture you saved him from.

Umm if kids are being nasty to my girls and their parnets around I totally stick my tongue out at them! Brats, they better recognize!


Lindsay said...

It is so weird for me to see you pregnant! But you are such a cute pregnant girl! When is your due date? Next time you are in Houston, we will have to get together. Do you ever come back?

Bethany said...

Where do you live? I live in Dallas. It is blizzarding right now.

I remember what a Texas girl you were. I can see why. I love it here. People are so great and patriotic.

Miss the mountains, though.

Unknown said...

way cute.....

you have to go to and make a baby ticker for your blog.....they are too cool....

too bad evan doesn't have to actually know what it's like to have a bowling ball in your stomach......UNDER your skin...not just your shirt....

Ladybug said...

As always, you are darling prego or not! I hear from all my friends that delivering the second baby is tons easier. (I wouldn't know but I can't see why they would lie to me so, hope that helps!!)
Still worried about names, eh? Well, best of luck with that!! Can't wait to see you & pregnant Evan in a couple weeks. Yeehaw!!
Much love, C.

Natalie N said...

Darling post, Rebecca! I love this picture of you. Seriously, how do you have arms of steel with a little nerf ball stuffed up your shirt? You look awesome--there's no way you're less than 10 weeks away from having your baby!!

My first baby was 9# 2oz, and I seriously thought I was doomed for a 10+ pounder with my 2nd. But he was only 7# 11oz. But you never know; your second could go either way. Don't get freaked out too much. I agree with Cristy--the second kid is easier--labor, management, etc. You know what you're've done it before, and you'll do AWESOME! 2 is so much fun, and little Colt will be the sweetest big brother!

Keep us posted--literally! :)

Maria said...

Great pictures!! I love your updates!