Monday, November 07, 2011

Halloween Recap

This year for Halloween we deviated from our usual course and lived it up like it was going out of style. Here's the rundown...
We kicked off the festivities by watching Cade parade around with the other preschoolers in his grasshopper costume. The boy had a dream and was lucky enough to have his Oma make him a costume that he was beyond excited to wear. Because as Cade told us, "Grasshoppers are scary." Not so sure about that buddy, but you looked darn cute anyhow.

Next came some pumpkin carving.

Then our annual spooky dinner. New on the menu this year: Bug Punch and Bloody Toes.

Then some trick or treating (with Megatron making his debut, not to mention Miss Delaney in her pumpkin onesie).

Showing off the loot. And obviously the boys were a little transfixed by it.

Sneaking in some candy before bed. Throw in an elementary school carnival, me helping in Colt's classroom for his school party, and a church trunk-or-treat and suffice it to say that I was one tired mama with one messy house. Good thing I had my boys' candy to reward myself with.

On a side note, here's the conversation between Colt and me the morning of his class party...

Me: "Are you so excited to have me come to your class today?"
Colt: "Are you so excited to come to my class and see how pretty Samika is?"

Apparently, Colt couldn't wait for me to check out the girl he's crushing on. Does it really start this young?


Melanie said...

I love your scary dinner tradition! I think little kids have the funniest (i.e. most random) ideas for Halloween costumes.

Genevre said...

I love it! The costumes are so cute. It is a lot of work, but I love watching my kids Halloween night. Seriously it is the best holiday for kids. My boys haven't noticed the girls exist yet. Maybe Colt has inherited his Dad's smooth finess with the ladies. :)

Cristy said...

Aw! Way to tackle Halloween with reckless abandon. Hey, they're only young once, right ? (Thank goodness for that!) Great costumes, and way to go all out on dinner each year, super cool Mom!

chanel said...


i loooooove your dinner!!!!!

i was trying not to use exclamation points, but that dinner just warrants them.

Ashley said...

Literally laughed out loud at Colton's comment. Is Sameka so pretty or what? Colt cracks me up - I can just see the Colt smile on his face when he said that. And how he probably got all excited that you were there - y'know, arms flying behing him when he ran. LOVE that boy to pieces. For real.

And go Shirley on Cade's darling grasshopper costume. What a great Oma to make that and overnight it to him for his parade!!!

And cutest dinner tradition for sure! Look at you rocking the holidays - you koolaid mom ;)

Ashley said...

PS Cade's expressions in all of these pics are CRACKING me up. Love that boy!

Ladybug said...

Didn't know about Cade thinking grasshoppers were scary. That's super funny. I can just see him now, hands on my face, looking me right in the eye and telling me that. I might bust a gut laughing. So stinking cute!!
And look at Colt, getting his mom's approval on his girl? How cute is that?
And of course I love the one where they are hypnotized by the candy. I often feel like when chocolate is involved!